chapter three

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Tae was with Kookie who was coloring when he suddenly heard sniffling.

Tae: baby what's wrong?...

Bunny: I'm a bad person... It's all my fault Evan doesn't love me...

Tae: Bunny?...

He's never met him before. He sighs. Bunny starts to cry.

Tae: you're okay Bunny...

He hugs Bunny tightly. Bunny continues to cry saying how he needs Evan and how he's a bad person. Tae holds him down as he cries. He just let's him cry in his arms up until he calls down.

Tae: he's asleep?

Tae checked and he wasn't. He was calm.

Tae: Jungkook?

Jungkook: I'm sorry about him... I'll tell you more about my ex...

Tae: tell me...

He holds Jungkook close to his chest.

Eight years ago when Jungkook was 16, he met Evan because of his father.

Mr. Jeon: I have a university student coming by. He said he needs extra help.

Mrs. Jeon: okay. Jungkook, be on your best behavior. Okay?

Jungkook: I will.

He then saw Evan. He didn't like the way he was looking at him. Jungkook went upstairs to his room. He kept his door closed. He was sitting at his desk drawing. Jungkook then heard someone enter his room. He turned around and it was Evan. He got creeped out.

Jungkook: you need something?...

Evan: how old are you?

Jungkook backed away from him. Evan backed him into a wall. He pinned him to it. Before Jungkook could scream, Evan held a knife up to his stomach.

Evan: keep quiet... Or I'll kill you...

Jungkook: what do you want?...

Evan: you~ I think you're beautiful~

He starts to kiss Jungkooks neck. Jungkook started to cry.

Jungkook: stop...

Jungkooks mom then came into the room. Evan moved away from Jungkook.

Mrs. Jeon: what're you doing in my son's room?

Evan: we're dating now.

He grabbed Jungkooks hand.

Mrs. Jeon: how old are you? Do you even know my son?

Evan: I'm 17. I know a lot about him. Right baby?

Evan looks at Jungkook.

Jungkook: no! He tried to force himself onto me!

Mrs. Jeon: get away from my son!

She grabbed Jungkook and she hugged him.

Evan: whatever. Bitch.

He walked past them. He held Jungkook close and she called the cops on Evan. He left before the cops could come.

Mr. Jeon: Evan is such a good Kid. Let them date.

Mrs. Jeon: excuse me?! He's 22! Our son is only 16! Do you know how disgusting that is?! What kind is psychopath dates a child?!

Mr. Jeon: they'll be fine!

Mrs. Jeon: if you call that bad yard over and he touches my baby again, I'll fucking kill you!

little Kookie ~Taekook~Where stories live. Discover now