Chapter 5

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The alarm going off was what woke Tsukasa up from his dream, and he groaned.

"Five more minutes..." He muttered, throwing the covers in his face and using his pillow to muffle the sound of his phone.

But it wasn't giving up.

Around five minutes of beeping, Tsukasa cussed under his breath and sat upright, grabbing his phone and turning off his alarm.

"07:35AM.." He sighed and put his phone on standby, placing it back on his desk before stretching his arms out, letting out a groan of satisfaction at the feeling. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, staring into oblivion as he tried to make out what he had planned for the day.

Oh right, go to the open doors at Emu and Saki's school. He tried to remember the name of it, he only went there once and it was to bring Saki her books that she switched up with Tsukasa's old ones.

He shivered at the thought of it; the stares and comments he received were anything but pleasant.

"Hey, isn't that Saki's brother? What is he doing here?"


"Hey, where did Saki's pigtails go?"

The only nice one he received was one of the students calling him hot, but he kind of found it creepy. He never understood the concept of love, and he wasn't planning on finding a girlfriend anytime soon.

He got up and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his messy hair, and go his skincare (in truth, he just uses his mom's products) because it's absurd for a star to not have clear skin, it would only affect his fake personality.

But he also felt the need to look good not to disappoint something, or someone. He didn't know for sure, but he just felt the need to.

When he was done with all of that, he grabbed his phone and checked the time.

8AM, it gives him time to go check up on the Sekai.

He went to his room and quickly put on some decent clothes before grabbing his headphones and phone. He sat down on his bed and started playing Untitled, and he remembered closing his eyes and teleporting to the Sekai.


He opened his eyes and looked around, trying to figure out in what area of the Sekai he was in. He got up and looked in the horizon, and he could see the flashing lights and the ferris wheel.

He cleared his throat and rushed over there as he didn't want to waste any time, and he slowed down his pace when he stared to see Miku and KAITO.

"WAHAHA!! WELL HELLO THERE!" He yelled in his forced happy tone, but he quickly closed him mouth when he saw the worried looks on both of their faces.

"Oh, Tsukasa, perfect timing." KAITO said, but his tone didn't sound happy or anything. It sounded worried, concerned even.

The blond raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side, making sure not to let go of the act. He found himself forgetting to keep the facade quite a few times, as he also forgets that his whole demeanour and face looks different when he's his true self.

Him, My Starry Sky ~ a MafuKasa fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now