At Erin's place

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Tonight, Erin had the house to herself. Miguel was out with his friends and was going to be out for a long time. So, she invited Taylor over. She hoped that it was mostly letting him in and not suggesting sex. Although, if she were honest with herself, after his understanding in the park a week ago, she was starting to cave on that issue. They had been out and about since. Going to muesums and movies and other stuff. She wanted him. But she wasn't sure when it was right. Maybe tonight?

This would be the first time he would be in her house. She had mentioned  in their last date that she lived with her best friend Miguel, but had never dated him or been interested in him in anything other than a friend. The same would go with him. She told him, it's just for support and that with her condition, it isn't safe to live alone. Taylor understood. And thankfully, didn't get threatened or pressure her to meeting him. She did say that they could meet soon when their schelles allowed it. Erin started to cook one of her favorite meals to cook: Salmon, tramic rice, and broocioi. A bit boring, but simple.

However, not in the way that is traditionally made. Hers, she did get from a vegan YouTuber. But, she did make some changes: Instead of whole peanuts in it, she cooked it with Peanut oil, She used more seaume seeds and more green onions for flavor. She had asked Taylor if he was allergic to Peanuts or Soy. Just to make sure as he had asked her what she might be allergic to. He said no. So she proceeded the meal as is. But one other change she would do is use Tamori over soy sauce, for the sauce that would go over it near the end. 

Tonight, not only would there be dinner, but Erin also had a movie planned for them to watch after. There was a knock at the door after she put the broccoli and salmon on the stove. She walked to the door and opened it. "Hey, babe." She said, knowing she could say that now. She let him in and he smiled and said hello and he pulled her close and kissed her. After a few moments, Erin sadly had to break away. "I gotta check on the salmon."  

"Okay." Said Taylor then trying to collect himself. Erin flipped them then came back to Taylor and sat really close to him. "So how was your day today?" She asked trying to talk to him and not seeming like she was horned up. 

Taylor nodded, "It was good. Just trying to get future projects going outside of acting."


"Yeah, I'm excited for them. I promise I'll tell you when they're more in motion. How about your's?"

"Well... I'm looking into editors for my book. I think I might just self-publish." 

"Oh, that's amazing."

"Yeah, you think it's a good idea?"

"If you think it is then I think so, too." 

Erin smiled and kissed him on top of his head. He pulled her in and wrapped his arm around her. "Can I ask you something?"

Falling for a Demisexual-Taylor Zakhar PerezWhere stories live. Discover now