Movie Date

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Erin hadn't heard from Taylor in a few days except for the good morning and good night text messages with the blue heart emoji. Maybe it'll be their thing. Who knows?  A part of her was worried that Taylor was ghosting her and that he didn't really like her. She had been on a date before were they hugged her and texted her that they had a good time, but then nothing. She thought this might be that. And why ask her out. The good morning text messages and good night texts are intimate. 

The other part of her was enjoying the peace and quiet. Not having to go out every night like when she dated her ex boyfriend and then spends less time with her as they got into a real relationship. He was very controlling, but she didn't want to think about him. Or, maybe she should write about him just as if she shares and publishes the poem and some other nice girl or guy says that happened to me and good to know it wasn't all my fault. 

As she was writing it, her phone rang it was Taylor. She smiled, saved what she was writing and answered it. "Hello?" She said warmly.

"Hey, Erin. How are you?" 

"I'm doing well. How are you?" 

"I'm great. Hey I was wondering if you still wanted to go to the movies with me?" He knew that he hadn't really spoken to her in a few days, but he had something planned that took a bit longer than expected. 

"Yeah, of course."

He smiled, knowing that he didn't ruin anything. "How's tomorrow night? 7pm? 

"Sounds good." 

"Okay see you then." 

"See you then." They both hung up and Erin went back to her writing and Taylor went back to talking to his agent that just got off of a phone call themselves. 


Erin had been getting ready for the past hour. She showered and did her hair. She had cooked herself dinner, as she wasn't sure if they were having dinner, but why eat dinner two dates in a role. 

She then did her make up. Not too much. Just some luquid foundation, blush, A blend of red and orange eye shadow and a pink lip. She then went to her closet. Which dress should she wear? Pink? Blue Hatler? Red?  Red felt too bold at this point. Blue was too expected. She looked through and found a green coral dress. It was a fancy cocktail dress. She paired it with some silver heals and walked out of her bathroom and into the hallway that was right outside her door and she took a look at herself. 

Miguel who had just finished his dinner and washed the dishes. He took a look at her. "You look great." He told her.

"Really?"  She asked as she thought so, but she never trusted her eye. She thought she looked good when she didn't and looked good when she didn't think she did. But now it lined up. 

Falling for a Demisexual-Taylor Zakhar PerezDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora