-Chapter 6 Hobbit-

Start from the beginning

A moment later, Radagast bursts out of the forest into the open. The lead orc shouts for them to follow him, and Radagast yells back, "Come and get me! Ha ha!" As he distracts the orc pack, the company runs behind large rocks. Gandalf says, "Come on"

They all start running across the great plains. Gandalf sees a rock and says, "Over here." They all start running toward the stone, but Gandalf disappears. I see the rock and think, 'Wait, that's one of the entrances to Imladris. He's bringing them to Elrond!' However, the dwarves don't know that and can't see Gandalf. One asks, "Where is Gandalf?" Dwalin answers, "He has abandoned us!" I can't help but think, 'Are you stupid? Why would he abandon you?' Thorin yells, "Hold your ground!" Kilí shoots another orc with his bow, and then Gandalf's head appears out of a crack in the rock as he says, "This way, you fools!" The dwarves see him and start jumping into the hole. A warg attempts to jump them, but Thorin quickly deals with it, shouting to Kilí, who is still outside, "Kili, Run!" Kilí turns around and jumps into the hole, followed by Thorin.

Inside the hole, Gandalf counts the dwarves when a horn is heard. I think, 'The elves are here.' We hear arrows flying and wargs howling. An elvish rider falls into the hole. Thorin pulls the arrow out of him and says, "Elves!" Dwalin comes from a pathway at the end of the small cave and says, "I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?" Bofur answers "Follow it, of course." Gandalf adds his opinion saying "I think that would be wise." In that moment, I remember the strong magic cast upon Rivendell and hope I'm not discovered.

Bilbo then feels something, and Gandalf asks, "Can you feel it?" Bilbo looks at him and answers, "Yes, it feels magical." Gandalf explains, "Because it is very strong and ancient magic." They come out of the cave and see a big, beautiful dale with waterfalls and trees. To that, I think, 'It's perfect, no imperfections, that's beautiful.' Gandalf says, "The Valley of Imraldis. In the Common Tongue, it's known by a another name." Bilbo finishes in awe, "Rivendell."
Gandalf continues "Here lies the last Homely House east of the sea."

Thorin goes to Gandalf and says, "This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy." But Gandalf looks at him sternly and retorts, "You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill-will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself." I brace myself, expecting to be discovered because of the magic, but nothing happens. I'm confused, wondering why nothing happened. In that moment, I don't really care.

Thorin asks Gandalf, "You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us." To that, Gandalf says, "Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact and respect and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me."

The company continues on their way into Imladris, crossing a little bridge, and they now stand on a round plaza. An elf comes down the stairs in front of them and says, "Mithrandir." "Ah, Lindir," says Gandalf with a little nod of respect. While they are talking, I hear Thorin saying, "Stay sharp." I just sigh at that. They don't need to worry about the elves. The only person who has to worry when found is me.

The elf, Lindir, then says to Gandalf, "-Lastannem i athrannedh i Vruinen.-" [We heard you had crossed into the Valley.] Gandalf answers, "I must speak with Lord Elrond." Lindir says, "My Lord Elrond is not here." "Not here? Where is he?" Asks Gandalf, perplexed.

Suddenly, the elvish horns from earlier are heard, and the company turns around to see a battalion of rapidly approaching horsemen. Thorin yells, "Ifridî bekâr!" [Ready weapons!] and the dwarves huddle into a small circle with their weapons pointing outwards. The horsemen are now on the plaza, circling the dwarves until they stop, and one separates himself from the rest. I recognize him as Elrond, and he says, "Gandalf." Gandalf bows gracefully and says, "-Lord Elrond. Mellonnen! Mo evínedh?-" [My friend! Where have you been?] "-Farannem 'lamhoth i udul o charad. Dagannem rim na Iant Vedui.-" [We've been hunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the Hidden Pass]," answers Elrond as he dismounts his horse. Then he and Gandalf hug, and he continues showing an orc sword, "Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders. Something, or someone, has drawn them near." He hands the sword to Lindir. Gandalf guiltily says, "Ah, that may have been us."

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