So the clear broth and piece of bread that who I call, Satan, gives me just isn't enough. I am weak I know that, I know that's what he wants. But I don't know why, he has to know who I am and my classification.

So why does Satan want me so weak?

I think my answer is that he doesn't want me to even have the thought of escaping. But little does he know, I stole the rusty screw from the makeshift bed in here.

I've been sharpening it secretly at night when I know he's asleep, so right now I have a pretty little sharp mini knife.

I plan on using it tonight, I've been slowly weakening the deadbolt screws on the door that keeps me locked in here. So tonight I'm gonna fully take apart the deadbolt and figure out how to get the hell out of his cabin.

I know he's been expecting this, but I need to at least try to escape once before I die. I never tried to escape my father, and a big part of me regrets that.

I could've been so much happier if I had escaped him, maybe I could've found my mother sooner and maybe I don't know, of been happy?

I'll need to be quiet, and god help me if he finds me before I've escaped.

*Time skip to late night shenanigans*

Silas' POV

We've looked almost everywhere for Birch, and of course his mother was no help either. She was worried about him, but honestly she never really knew him.

She abandoned him when he and his twin when they were just babies, so the only places she mentioned were old places her and William used to frequent. And once again, we were back at square one with the search for Birch.

Hades has had some good results in hacking into my fathers bank accounts and looking into his life and seeing who could be helping him.

So far, it's down to my fathers best friend and criminal mastermind, Giovanni Sforzi, the Italian mafia don who I used to work for once upon a time.

I worked for him for almost 5 years before I left the life after the incident with my father, and I was hoping to never have to see those bastards again.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as Hades comes into my office and says, "I got a location on a cabin Giovanni bought the same week we bought Birch home, it's secluded and has next to no police presence around since he practically owns the cops in that town. But anyway, here's the location. And get this, he spent a ton of money reformatting the cellar to be more secure. Maybe Birch is in the basement?"

I nodded and looked at the location, it's far away, even by car. It'll take us hours to get there and be able to form a smart extraction plan for Birch.

"Get Xavier in here, we need to be at that cabin tonight. God only knows what torture my father has unleashed upon him, we don't know my father's plans with Birch yet. So everyone needs to precede with caution." I told Hades before he left to go get Xavier.

I needed the both of them, Hades was an expert at hacking and anything tech. Whereas Xavier was a master at interrogation techniques and using a knife. We actually met when I was on a job for Giovanni, I was supposed to kill him but when I looked into his eyes I could only see someone who just wanted to be loved.

And to this very day, I don't regret a single moment of not pulling that trigger. Xavier can be an absolute sweetheart, but can also be an antisocial asshole as well.

We were just loading up our packs of everything we might need into the suv when Roman came up to us. I knew he was mad that we're leaving, but they all know about this very good lead on finding Birch's location.

The boys know how important it is that we're completely focused on the mission, and not the safety of civilians. Technically we are civilians too, but we're highly trained ones at that.

Roman was practically bouncing on his feet in anger, he looked up at me and growled, "Hell no! Lemme go! I'm gonna cut their balls off and feed it to them! No one takes our little sunshine! I'm going, end of story!"

He storms off into the suv, I'd be laughing if this situation wasn't so dangerous. He's still underage, he can't go on this mission and he's going to hate me for what I'm about to do.

Birch's POV

I was so tired but I know I can't sleep tonight, I need to have my mind sharp and no muddled by sleepiness when I escape.

I crawl over to the door and slowly start opening the lock with my sharpened nail, it opens with a satisfying click and I quickly look for anyone in the basement but see no one.

I quickly ascend the stairs and listen at the door for anyone, I don't hear anyone so I open it and walk into the hallway.

I know this is my only way out seeing as there's no windows in the basement and the cabin seems to be pretty small. I know I don't have a lot of time to overthink this situation, but I do have a few ideas on how to get out of here.

I find the kitchen pretty fast and then the back door, I knew that the front door would be the obvious choice so I opted for the back door instead.

I quickly made it out with next to no problems and quickly snag an apple on my way out. What can I say? A hungry boys gotta eat!

I'm about to leave the back patio when I hear a loud alarm start blaring into the quiet night. I immediately start running towards the forest, but before I can reach it, something attaches itself to my ankle.

When I look down, I see it's the mouth of a very large dog. I panic and scratch at it as I fall to the ground. I scream as it bites down harder on my leg but before I can do anything I hear a loud gunshot and the animal falls down, presumably dead.

When I look up I immediately cry in relief as I see Mr. Silas and Hades, Mr. Silas picks me up and checks me for injuries.

It was then that I saw my half eaten apple on the ground, I pout and say, "Lost my apple, a shame. Was a good one too!"

Mr. Silas looks at me fondly as Hades gives my forehead a kiss and Xavier gives me a hug as Hades says, "We'll get you another one baby bear. We missed you so much! Roman was about to storm this place all by himself to get you back."

"Yeah! You should've seen how mad he was when Silas made him stay home. Lord only knows what that brat did to the house, but Paisley should have it all handled." Xavier exclaimed with a small smile on his face.

Mr. Silas was wrapping my leg until we can get it checked out, but it barely even hurts! I'm fine!

"I don't wanna go to doctors again, my legs fine! See! Even my toes can wiggle!" I say as I wiggle my toes in Hades face. He gives me a small disgusted glare, oops, I forgot he hates feet.

Mr. Silas places me into the backseat with Xavier and gives my forehead a kiss and says, "If you're good at the doctors, then maybe they'll give you a treat for being such a good little patient."

" I promise we'll be home soon, after we get to the hospital, will call the boys and inform them that we found you. They will be so relieved and happy to know that you're OK." Hades says as he gets in the driver seat of the SUV.

I'm pretty soon we drove off into the night, with me wondering what happened to the guy that kidnapped me. But it doesn't really matter, I'm safe now and I'm just looking forward to being home.

That's funny, I've never really had a home before. And it feels incredible that I finally have one.

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