Chapter Seventeen

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Mel's POV:

We arrived at the hotel in Korea the next day. When we got there, Mr. Martin insisted that he handle the check-in process so they knew who it was that was actually checking in. I reserved a room on the seventeenth floor while he had the penthouse suite on the fiftieth floor. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible since he found it appropriate to be an ass to me.

Once he checked us in, he walked towards me with the keycards and had a look of confusion on his face. I had no idea why he would be confused until he spoke, "why did you book a room on the seventeenth floor when there were plenty other suites on my floor?"

"Frankly, Mr. Martin, I am more comfortable in a smaller room and don't need the extravagance of a suite so I assumed it would be okay to book a regular room."

"It was too far away from me."

"Yes, but I didn't think it would matter... wait, did you say was? Did you change my room without asking me?"

"Yes, I did. Like I said, it was too far away from me."

"Why would that matter?" I asked in confusion. He made pretty clear that I was annoying him with my presence.

"Because we will be working together quite a bit on this trip and I don't want the hassle of having to take the elevator that often or wait for you to make it to my room. You are now in the suite next to mine." I guess he had a point. I still didn't like it but there was nothing I could do about it now.

He went over to talk to the manager who I had talked to on the phone and whose name I remember to be Kwan. He was very nice and was very helpful in making all the accommodations that Mr. Martin required. Since this was the first business trip I had been on, It helped to have someone on the inside that helped me and didn't judge me for not knowing everything that Mr. Martin required. It was refreshing.

After directing the bellhop as to which bags were mine and which were Mr. Martin's, we walked to the elevator in complete silence. Once we got in and hit the button for the penthouse suites, he spoke, "I hope you're not too upset with me for changing your room but like I said, it's easier this way."

"I totally understand. Like you said, it makes more sense this way," I said without looking at him at all. I was still upset that he had been treating me the way he had been.

"We have a dinner tonight with a Mr. Jung. He's a very important client so I need you to dress nicely and be ready to take notes while eating. This man loves his food so you will have to multi-task. He also doesn't mind having beautiful women around to look at but don't worry, he's not a pig about it; very respectful."

"Yes, Mr. Martin," I said with a blush since he called me beautiful. Stupid hormones. He was about to say something else when the elevator doors opened and I hurriedly made my way to my room and disappeared inside so I could get ready for the dinner.


We were now at the dinner and the men have already discussed their business and now we were all enjoying our meals. Mr. Jung was quite young for being such a successful business man. I learned that he is only 22, he inherited his company from his grandfather two years ago and according to his IQ, he is a genius. He is half American and half Korean with long black hair tied into a pony tail and he is on the shorter, small side of the spectrum.

When Mr. Martin said that he loved the company of beautiful women, he wasn't wrong. He had been flirting with me all night. He keeps hinting at a date but I don't know how to let him down easy. He isn't really my type and he's also a client of Mr. Martin's. I don't mix business and pleasure. Well, not always.

We were just finishing up and Mr. Jung pulled me to the side just out of earshot of Mr. Martin when he said, "So what will it take for you to come have dinner with me?"

"Oh, I don't know, Mr. Jung," I said with heat rising to my cheeks.

"Please, call me Corey."

"Okay, Corey. I'm not sure since you are a client of Mr. Martin's and I try not to mix business with pleasure. Can I have time to think about it before we leave?"

"Absolutely. Take all the time you need, but here's my card. Please call me if you decide to go out to lunch or dinner or maybe even just sightseeing. I'd love to show you around," He said with a glistening white smile.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Ju... I mean, Corey. I will definitely think about it," I said with a slight smile but over his shoulder, I could see Mr. Martin giving him the stink eye which confused me.

Once that was taken care off, we said our goodbyes to Mr. Jung and left the restaurant where we had the meeting. Kellan was silent all the way back to the hotel, which I was somewhat thankful for. We made it all the way to the elevator before he decided to speak to me.

"So what did Mr. Jung want to talk about?"

"What? Oh, he asked me out to dinner or sightseeing. Said he would would like to get to know me better I guess."

"Hmm," he grunted.

We got up to the fiftieth floor and he booked it off the elevator and went directly to his room so fast that I almost missed the movement. I sighed and went to my own room. I took a shower and changed into some light pink short shorts and an oversized Journey shirt. I picked up my phone and noticed there was several missed calls from Mr. Martin and I got kind of worried that something was wrong since he hardly ever calls me for anything other than business.

I was just about to call him back when there was a knock on my door. I was worried that it was a stranger because I didn't know anyone but Kellan and Corey. Had Corey followed me back here? Or was something wrong with Kellan? I looked through the peephole and was relieved to see it was Kellan but he looked pissed.

I slowly unlocked the door and when I went to open it, he shoved his way inside so suddenly that it caught me off guard and I started to fall backwards. I braced myself for the fall but his strong arms came around me and caught me before I could hit the floor. Once he got me standing upright,

He grabbed my face in his hands and growled out, "MINE" before he started to ravenously kiss me.

A/N: This is a shorter chapter and more of a filler one but I promise that the action will pick back up soon!

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