Chapter Seven

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Mel's POV:

I have no idea why I kissed him on the cheek. He's my boss and I knew that I probably made things awkward for us to work together. To my surprise, the rest of the week went by smoothly with no awkwardness. I practically knew where everything was and knew how to do everything my job entailed with precision. I could tell that I made a good impression on Kellan.

The week flew by so quick that I almost couldn't believe that it was Friday. I was beautiful outside so I decided to wear a navy and white striped strapless a line sundress that went to mid calf. I paired it with a red blazer and red wedge heels. On my way through the doors, Kenzie saw me and immediately gave me a wide smile and ran up to me in excitement.

"Girl! You are on fire today! That dress is beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"Thanks, Kenz. You look cute as always," I told her while examining her outfit. She was wearing Kelly green suit pants with a white ruffled sleeveless shirt and white heels. She paired her ensemble with gold jewelry. She was always wearing some kind of color, whether it be her pants, shirt or her shoes. It seemed to fit her rainbow-like personality.

"Awe, thank you, girlie! Now, that we've established that we are a couple of hot bitches, You should come out with me tonight! We can have a girl's night at the club and maybe pick up a handsome man to take home! Everything is on me! Well, technically it's on Kellan because it's his club!" she giggled.

I thought for a moment and realized that I had never been a part of a girl's night. I wasn't popular in high school so I didn't really have any friends until I got with Matt but even then, the girls didn't want to hang out with me because I got Matt and they didn't.

"I'd love to Kenz! Just let me know what time and the details of how we're getting there and home at lunch. I've gotta run or I'll be late to give Mr. Martin his schedule, I said while blowing a kiss in her direction.

I headed for the elevator and just as it was about to close, a hand came through to stop the doors. Kellan appeared in the door and gave me a crooked smile that showed his perfect whit teeth. He walked in and hit the close door button and the elevator took off. Not a word was said between us and the tension was thick but I couldn't detect what kind of tension it was.

I felt like I was going to suffocate by the time the doors opened and I realized that I was holding my breath throughout the ride. I headed to my desk and got ready for the day. Just as I was about to go get coffee for Kellan, my phone rang.

"Martin Inc. Mr. Martin's office. This is Melanie speaking, How may I help you today?"

"Dear lord, another assistant? Typical. The is Ms. Martin. I would like to speak to Kellan."

"Please hold," I placed the woman, who I'm guessing is his mother or sister on hold while I used the intercom to contact Mr. Martin.

"Mr. Martin, Do you have time to take a call from Ms. Martin?" I asked.

He let out a large sigh, "Yes. push it through and please bring me some acetaminophen with my coffee, please."

"Yes, sir."

I went back to the phone and forwarded the call to his phone. I went to make his coffee and get the medication he asked for and went to his office. I heard his agitated voice so I stopped and knocked before going in unlike the other times where I just walked in. I heard him tell me to come in and when I did I overheard the conversation from his side since I couldn't hear Ms. Martin.

"We already discussed this before I left the house this morning and the answer is still no. I'm not going to think about it because I am not going to change my mind. This is my life and you will not bully me into changing the decision, Erica," he paused, "Fine, I will meet you for lunch but I will not discuss this with you again. Goodbye." he said as he hung up and tossed the phone back on it's base. "Erica" was definitely not his mother by the sound of it so I assumed it was his sister or maybe a cousin.

"Mel, please reschedule any meetings I have this morning until after lunch. I am developing a migraine and need to lay down on the couch with no disturbances. I don't want any calls other than a call I'm expecting from Dr. Alman. Please."

"Absolutely, sir. If you need anything else, I will be at my desk."

The morning went by pretty quickly after that. I was kept busy by rearranging meetings and making sure his lunch was scheduled with Erica, whoever she may be. I checked on Kellan a few times to see him asleep on the couch. When it approached 11:30 am, I decided to wake him up. I walked up to him and gently shook his shoulder. His eyes popped open and he immediately closed then back and held his head.

"I'm so sorry, sir but it's almost time for your lunch meeting with Erica."

"Ugh, thank you, Mel. My head is still killing me," he said while sitting up and holding his head in his hands.

"You know, my mother suffers from severe migraines sometimes and I went to a massage therapist to learn some tricks to help ease her pain when medications didn't work. I used to give her head massages and it really helped her. I could try it on you if you would like," I said to him while I walked over and sat on the couch beside him.

"I am willing to try anything," he groaned.

I had him lay down with his head in my lap and I started rubbing the pressure points in his neck to ease some of the tension in his neck. His muscles were coiled tighter than a cobra ready to strike. He groaned and moaned the whole time I rubbed his temples and the top of his head for the next twenty minutes until it was time for his lunch meeting.

"Sir, it's time for your lunch meeting. Do you feel any better," I asked.

"Oh, wow. That really helped. Thank you, Mel. I need to get going. If the doctor calls while I'm out, have him call me back at 1:30 and I will talk to him. Thanks, again," He said and kissed the top of my head like it was a natural thing to do. He didn't even blink after he did it, he just walked out of the office and continued on his way.

I forwarded my calls to my cell so I could have lunch with Kenzie and not miss the doctor's call. Twenty minutes in, My phone rang and I answered it.

"Martin Inc. Mr. Martin's office. This is Melanie speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hello, this is Ashley with Dr. Alman's office. Can I speak to Kellan Martin, please?" The woman asked.

"I'm sorry but he is out to lunch and has requested that you call back at 1:30 and he will be available then."

"Great, I will call back then. Thank you, Melanie," with that she hung up. I was so curious as to why he needed to speak with this doctor and figured I would ask Kenzie if she knew since they seemed close.

"Kenz, do you know if anything is wrong with Mr. Martin's health?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, he came in with a migraine today and was very on edge and now he is waiting to speak to a Dr. Alman about something that seems important. I know it's really none of my business but I'm just worried for him," I said.

"Oh, that! Yeah, he's getting a vasectomy because he never wants kids or something like that. He's so dramatic," she blurted out without a care in the world. I just wanted to know if he was okay, I didn't need specifics.

I don't know why that disappointed me but it did. I could never imagine not having kids. I wanted to be a mom so bad but I needed a man who loved me first. He's my boss so I already knew he was off limits to me. Time for me to move on from my little crush.

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