Chapter Three

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Mel's POV:

"Come in, Miss Loxner and please have a seat," Mr. Martin said as he gestured to a chair in front of his desk. I turned to Mr. Curtis who gave me a reassuring smile before turning and going back out the set of double doors. I slowly walked forward, every inch feeling like a mile, before sitting in the chair he motioned to. I fidgeted with my fingers and watched them with great curiosity until he spoke.

"So, Miss Loxner, I see you have your bachelor's degree in business. Is that correct?" he asked with amusement. I wasn't sure what he was so amused about, but I was not amused with this situation. I was scared shitless.

"Yes, sir. I graduated last month but I have yet to find a job in the business world. I have very good references from all of my other jobs, though," I nervously said.

"Yes. Your jobs include waitressing, hostessing, bellhopping for a hotel and drive-through window at several fast-food restaurants, right?" I gulped and looked back down to my hands while giving a small nod.

"There's no need to be nervous, Miss Loxner. I'm not as much of an asshole as you may think," he said with a wink and a cheeky smile. I wanted to die right there. I almost got up and left the office to never look back, but I decided to politely excuse myself.

"Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Martin. Good luck on your quest to find someone to fill the position. I must be going now," I said as I stood up and made my way to the door. I was almost to it when I was gently pulled back by my arm.

"Wait, where are you going? The interview wasn't over. If you would've waited, you would know that I am offering the job to you."

"What? Why? I called you an asshole yesterday and you think I am a klutz. I could never serve as an efficient PA for you!" He chuckled and walked back to his desk.

"Yes, I called you a klutz and you called me an asshole and you were right to do so. I had no idea who you were and just because we bumped into each other, it doesn't give me the right to call you names or treat you poorly. I am sorry about my behavior. Please, I would like to offer you the job. You are more qualified than all of the others who applied and my last PA put together."

I was shocked to say the least. Not many CEOs would offer a job to the woman who bumped into them and then proceed to call him an asshole. At this point, I wasn't sure what to do. Do I take the job, or do I turn it down? I have no idea how I was supposed to work and have a boss this handsome.

He was tall, probably about 6'4" with tan skin and bright green eyes. His hair was black and shaved on the sides but longer on the top while being styled to perfection. Tattoos peaked out of the sleeves of his expensive looking suit, and I wondered how far they went up. His lips were a soft pink and looked insanely kissable...wait, what the fuck was I thinking? This may be my new boss and I am sitting here drooling over him. Get it together, bitch! I mentally slapped myself and recollected my thoughts.

"Miss Loxner?"

"Oh, yes, I am sorry Mr. Martin. I would gladly accept the position and can get started right away!" I told him after calming myself down.

"Fantastic. I will need you here first thing in the morning. You will report down to the front desk at 7:30 am. You will start every morning at 8 am sharp but tomorrow, Kenzie will have your ID badge, elevator key card and give you a brief tour of the floors that you may need to access. Afterward, she will bring you to your office and help you get settled. Tomorrow you won't need to bring me coffee but normally, you would bring me coffee and my schedule at 8 am. Tomorrow, you will come in as soon as you're done with Kenzie.

"I take my coffee black with a splash of cream and two sugars. You have a Keurig in your office for such things as that or you may stop in the cafe downstairs; I don't care which just as long as I get my coffee. You will get an iPad that you must keep on you at all times and Kenzie will show you how to direct calls to your personal cell if you should ever need to do so. Anytime I call, you must answer, and I am not patient when it comes to getting a hold of you. You will be off work every day by 5 pm but some days, I may need you to work over.

"When I have visitors, you will get them drinks, shall they require it and then leave us alone unless I call for you via the intercom on your desk. You will let me know of my appointments 15 minutes before each one and you will sit in meetings and take notes. Your contract will be ready to sign tomorrow morning after Kenzie gets you settled in. Your office is yours to decorate how you like but it needs to be tasteful and not distracting. Did you understand all of that? Kenzie will likely run through it again in the morning."

"Yes, sir. I think I caught it all," I replied. Good thing I have an excellent memory.

"Good. If you have any questions, please ask. I would rather you ask a question than to cause a mess by just doing what you think is correct. Am I clear?" I nodded my head.

"Also, when I speak to you, always give me verbal responses so that I know you heard correctly and understand," he said.

"Yes, sir. Is that everything?" I was anxious to get home and call my mother to tell her all about the amazing job I landed.

"Yes, that is everything. I will see you tomorrow morning around 8:15 am when Kenzie is finished giving you all of the information that you require. Thank you for coming in Miss Loxner."

"Thank you for this amazing opportunity, Mr. Martin." I stood and shook his hand before walking out of his door. The smile never left my face. I got into the elevator and hit the small button I didn't see before that just had an "L" on it and it took me down to the lobby.

Once I stepped out of the elevator, I went over to the front desk to return the key card to Kenzie, and she looked up with bright eyes. Kenzie was a beautiful girl. She was probably about 5'5", with natural, deep red hair, beautiful green eyes, creamy pale skin that was flawless and was absolutely confident in herself which made her even more attractive. She was a catch for anyone. Her sweet personality just added to her charms.

"Hey, girlie! How did it go? Mr. Curtis is such a doll. I hope he was his sweet ole self to you and gave you a good impression of the company!" I felt like there was something else she wanted to say but she didn't elaborate.

"Actually, I met Mr. Martin, and he offered me the job almost immediately! I start tomorrow! He said that you will be the one to show me around at 7:30 in the morning, so I guess I will see you first thing in the tomorrow" I said to her with excitement dripping from every word. Her eyes lit up even more at this new information I was giving her.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! I knew you would get the job! I have a feeling we are going to be the best of friends in and outside of the office! I will see you in the morning, Chica," she said with a wink. I smiled and gave her back the key card and walked out of the building with my head held high and a huge smile on my face. Time to get rest before my first day!

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