chapter 1 / 154

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1 week later


*izuku took a deep breath enjoying the slight green apple scent of his fiancee's hair. He heard his wife taking a big breath waking up, tsuyu stretched until the sound of a audible pop of her joints were heard, she cuddled closer to the warmth of her fiance's chest. Izuku pulled her closer making the sweet soon to be tsuyu Midoriya smile with her eyes closed*

Tsuyu:MH...morning zuku Kero

Izuku:morning Asui San

*Tsuyu snorted and gave a soft slap to izuku's chest using that old name after so many years*

Tsuyu:call me tsuyu or tsu you ass kero

Izuku:yes tsu chan whatever love wants, want to watch some TV?

Tsuyu:I want to keep sleeping. So put it in captions

*Izuku kissed her forehead, he grabbed the controller and started scrolling throught the channels*

Tsuyu:I missed this Kero....

Izuku:heh same...

*izuku said, not needing to be explained since they missed the same thing. A peaceful domestic life without all the drama that all started because Izuku didn't stay home that day*

Izuku:still hate madam wackadoo or whatever her name is

Tsuyu:hm. Changing subject, today's the day we tell Eri we're here. She's gonna be so happy that you are here kero

*with his free hand he hugged tsuyu a little closer to him while he stopped the tv*

Izuku:sweet the last season of samurai Jack

Tsuyu:samurai Jack? Nice Kero

*Tsuyu flipped herself and started watching the cartoon with izuku*

Izuku:it's Monday so momo won't be here until Saturday, maybe it'll be a good chance for you and Eri to do some things without me

Tsuyu:that's gonna be fun, she'll force herself to be nice, wonder how long till she would break down and just tell me 'i hate you, your the reason my parents aren't together' Kero

*Both of them chuckled at the morbid joke as they kept watching for an episode or two before tsuyu got tired again and started to sleep*

Izuku:I'll go get us some breakfast

*Izuku got up but was left in a interesting situation. Since tsuyu wasn't ready to get up yet she just cuddled closer to his chest while holding him like a koala. Izuku chuckled and looked down at tsuyu*

Izuku:you mind? Gonna get us some room service

Tsuyu:by all means, don't let me stop you Kero

*Izuku got a small grin and grabbed izuku by her but slapping her hard when he did. Tsuyu jumped out of the embrace and in to the bed glaring at izuku. Izuku laughed as he left the room. Tsuyu plopped back down to the bed with an amused look on her face*

Tsuyu:that's the man I'm gonna marry....magento damn it did he have to hit it that hard? I'm sore enough as it from last night Kero


Last time with nejire and tamaki

Tamaki:hey Neji, heard what happened and I thought you could use some compa....

*Tamaki took a step back as nejire jumped at him hugging him with full force*

Tamaki;uff! Guess I guessed right huh

the mechanic Book 4 The Wedding Arc Where stories live. Discover now