"I'm sorry," I blurted out suddenly.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked.

"I got so upset earlier... you were just scared, and I was only thinking about myself... I was angry, but not at you, more at myself and your father..."

Daniel nodded in understanding. "I know. I'm mad at him too. But I'm not mad at you, and you shouldn't be angry with yourself."

"We have to tell the others. They need to know about it, and they need to hear it from you, not someone else. If they find out the way I did, they'll react worse."

"Of course, we'll tell them now."

"We have two new members in the team."

At this, Daniel suddenly unfolded from our position.


"From the Camp. They were looking for me. Not just for the Light, Daniel. They were looking for Ana. For a sibling. For a lost friend."

Daniel looked a bit confused but quickly changed his expression.

"You mean...?"

"My brother. He's alive and he is here. He's come back. Chris is with him."

"Chris, the friend you told me about?"

I nodded, and Daniel's smile was so radiant that it made the whole room brighter.

"I love you, Daniel."

Daniel gave me a surprised look. "Even though I'm the son of your greatest enemy?"

"None of that matters. As I told you yesterday, no matter what happens, I'll never leave you. Nothing will change our relationship. Whatever happens, I'll always love you. This is my promise to you, Daniel Clark. It's an everlasting promise."

Daniel leaned in closer, kissed my forehead, and said, "I love you too, Ana. Always, forever."


We tied up the horses, gave them food and water, and then the girl named Luna led us into the house. Another younger girl was sitting at the kitchen table, holding a glass, presumably filled with water. She bore a striking resemblance to Luna, with the same thick, wavy brown hair, and their faces were identical, except for their eyes. Luna had gray eyes, while this girl had a greenish-brown hue. There was also a girl with jet-black hair sitting next to her, who greeted us with a smile.

Before anyone could speak, Alexander entered the kitchen from another room.

"Daniel will be okay. Ana is already taking care of him."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have you already introduced yourselves?" he asked, and his green eyes settled on Chris.

"We just came in," Chris replied as he glanced around the room at everyone. "I'm Christopher Hale. We're from the Camp."

"Chris? That Chris?" the black-haired girl asked in astonishment. She also had green eyes, like Alex, and their facial features were similar. "Ana's old friend?"

"That's right. And you must be Sarah Norman," Chris replied.

"How did you—"

"I had a chat with your brother. Then he shared some good stories," he said, grinning at her, and her brother returned the smile. Sarah looked back and forth between them, astonished.

"I'm Luna, and this is my sister, Elisabeth," Luna said, stopping behind the other girl and placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Lisa," the girl corrected her.

Light in the Darkness (English)Where stories live. Discover now