weapons are made to kill, the fastest jinchuriki

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Sasuke continue releasing the fire jutsu trying to melt down the sand, after a short period he stop and gaze at the sand dorm *huff huff* "( after all the blast I hit him with... this guy )".

The sand dorm slowly unfold and Gaara was having a wide smile, "my purpose in this world is to kill, I'm the reincarnation of a monk and before I was born my father sealed a sand spirit inside of me, I was the great weapon that was supposed to protect the hidden sand village, but I was later seen as a threat to the very village that I was meant to protect, my father sent assassins to assassinate me and I killed them all, I took the life of the very woman who gave birth to me, and later on I figured that taking the lives of others is what made me feel alive ".

"wow, that must be really awful ", Ashura said sarcastically *ugh* he teleport out of the way not wanting to get hit by Yugito's long claws, "Bee sees himself as a weapon, Gaara sees himself as a weapon too, what about you? ".

"all jinchuriki are weapons, that's why we are created ", Yugito said.

"good luck with the being a weapon thing, cuz it stupid, it doesn't work on me ", Ashura frown slightly.

"will you stop talking and stay focused ", Indra growled at Ashura, he was still battling with Bee, his sharingan following all of Bee's move.

"what do you think I'm doing? ", Ashura yelled.

"you sure know nothing about this world of ninja ", Yugito said from the branch she stood on.

"then why not enlighten me ", Ashura smile.

"other than what I am all shinobi are tools for battle ", Yugito said, Ashura could sense the frustration and anger emitting off of her.

"no one owns you, you should be able to carve into what ever path that you desire and not make some person tell you what you are or what you should do", Ashura said a bit calm.

"what's your problem, I'm trying to destroy your village and your are advising me, what kind of a shinobi are you? ", Yugito growl in confusion.

"the type of shinobi I choose to be, with dreams of my own... I'm Ashura Uzumaki and I'm going to surpass all greats shinobis ", the look in his eyes harden, "I won't let you hurt anyone, I will protect the hidden leaf with my life, for the burning fire of the hidden leaf lies within me ", Ashura took a fighting stance.

"now, that's more like it ", Yugito smirk.

*arr* Sasuke threw a kunai and Gaara's sand repelled it.

"you are such a shame Uchiha, I thought we have the same eyes, eyes hungry for powers, but now I realize you're only a coward ", Gaara mocked.

*tch* "you wanna see why I have such look?, then I will show it to you ", angrily Sasuke run after Gaara dodging through his sands, he delivered a powerful kick sending Gaara flying *huff huff* Sasuke was having a look of determination and motivation.

"is that all you got? ", Gaara look up at Sasuke not happy with the Uchiha.

"that's not all Gaara, there's plenty of were that came from ", Sasuke rush up to Gaara in a blinding speed, he uppercut Gaara and appears above Gaara, "take this", he smacked his elbow on Gaara followed by a powerful punch, "lion's combo ", he smashed his leg into Gaara sending him back to the ground.

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