hidden in the mist, the blue dragon power

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"the preliminary will be a one on one battle, names of competitors will be shown on the display, the rules are there's is no rules... you will be announced as the winner of your match if only your opponent accept defeat and forfeit or something that leads to his death, there will be a certain time and I will only step into a match to stop it if I feel like doing so ", Hayate explained.

The screen glow a yellow light and random names starting showing on the screen, it then stop on two names.

*ugh* Sakura gasp in shock.

*hm* "they sure didn't waste any time ", Sasuke smirk.

"this is exactly how I love it to be ", Izumi crack her fingers.

"do you think you can take him on? ", Ashura ask in concern.

"sure... it won't be a problem ", Izumi assured him.

"you must not underestimate your opponent... be sharp in everything you do ", Indra said

*cough* "those who's names are on the screen should please step forward ", Hayate said inviting them, Sasuke and Izumi then walk over to the proctor, "you two have been chosen for the first battle, are there any objections? ".

"not at all ", Sasuke said.

"same with me ", Izumi said, "( I don't think it would be nice for me to drain myself... I can't use nin-jutsu and the same thing goes for him... tai-jutsu might be the only key to this match )", Izumi was staring right at the raven haired boy.

*tch* "( the pain in my shoulder just won't go away... in this case  my jutsu is limited... not even my sharingan )", Sasuke's hand was on his shoulder.

"( as long as he's fighting with Izumi there won't be much problems... not like she can do any harm )", Sakura thought.

"( something is wrong... he's acting strange... and also he's fighting with my best friend )", Ino was watching quietly.

"the rest of you should clear the area and move to the upper level ", Hayate said to the rest shinobis.

"Izumi... you shouldn't let your guard down... understood? ", Shisui said before walking past the blue haired kunoichi, "Ashura... Indra... it's nice to see your faces again ", the jonin smile at them.

"it's nice to see you too sensei ", *heh heh heh* Ashura laugh a little.

"Sasuke ", Kakashi was now standing behind his student, "do not use your sharingan ".

*hm* "so you know about it ", Sasuke was a bit surprised.

"that thing is responding to your chakra... if anything happens or the mark start getting out of place I will have to step in and stop the fight... good luck ", Kakashi said and left.

*ugh* "( stop the fight? )", *arr* "( it's growing stronger and stronger )", Sasuke growl a little.

The old Hokage, few jonin and chuunin, the leaf rookies and their sensei were all in one part of the upper level, the sound team, sand team, cloud team, Kabuto's team mates and their senseis were on the other part of the upper level.

"if you are ready... then begin ", Hayate announced.

"it would be nice for you to forfeit now Izumi... you don't wanna hurt yourself ", Sasuke pulled out a kunai from his kunai porch.

"why?... is it because I'm a girl? ", Izumi ask, "do not worry... I won't disappoint you ", Izumi then took off her cloak and toss it aside, everyone was now watching them patiently.

"do you think she will make it ", Shikamaru ask he's female team mate.

"I don't know ", Ino said quietly.

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