framed to love, Ashura's plan

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"heh heh...heh heh heh heh ", Ashura laughed, "excuse me? ", Ashura ask in disbelief, "what the hell is happening here, I mean you were about to kill us and a few moments later you just say we pass, am really confused ", Ashura said.

"you still don't get it? ", Shisui ask the red haired boy.

"of course I don't ", Ashura spread out his hands.

"lame ", Indra scoffed.

"don't get Ashura wrong cuz the truth is that I don't get it either ", Izumi said, "can someone explain? ", she ask Indra and Shisui.

"the survival test isn't just to pick out a single student ", Shisui said.

"and what's that supposed to mean? ", Ashura ask.

"have you ever heard of the word comrade? ", Shisui ask and Ashura shook his head no.

"Indra do you mind ", Shisui offered.

"comrades, members of a society or country and they are always there for one and other ", Indra gave a short brief.

"oh now I know ", Ashura grinned.

"the first part of the test was to check if you have to attack your comrades just because you wants to live ", Shisui explained and they were listening, "you must not turn against your comrades, you must be there to defend them whenever they are in grave danger, this are what we ninjas do for our comrades, but some people are hungry for powers and would killed their comrades to get it ", Shisui said and ball his fist angrily.

"that's cruel ", Izumi said.

"yeah ", Ashura nod.

"this is why you must trust and have faith in each others, you must not turn against your comrades, you are to protect them, not destroy them ", Shisui informed, " the second part of the test was to check if you did protect your comrades and fight as a team, I was really glad Indra figured that out pretty quick and you guys followed, nice job ", Shisui smile at them.

"( hmm, Indra figure it out quick and we follow, gees that was stupid, next time I will be the one to figure it out )", Ashura scoffed.

"so how did you figure it out Indra? ", Izumi ask with a little smile.

"hey I was expecting you did say something like, how did you figure it out snake boy, or even snake face, which ever works among them ", Ashura said sarcastically.

Indra scoffed at him before answering Izumi's question, "it wasn't that hard, remember how Iruka sensei told us we will be placed in a three man squad? ", Indra ask.

"yeah ".

"of course I do ".

"after our introduction Shisui sensei told us we will be having a survival test ", Indra said, "and after that Shisui sensei told us he just wanted a single student ".

"and? ", Ashura questioned.

"if we were placed in squad eleven then there's no way he was going to change that, so right from that point if figured out that he was only trying to turn us against each other and break the team ", Indra finished explaining.

"hmm, it seemed like Iruka had a pretty smart student ", Shisui smiled.

"that's not smart, it's selfish, you could have told us about it from the start, and why did you attack us if you truly knows? ", Ashura point angrily at Indra.

"you know Ashura is right, you could have told us about it ", Izumi said.

"I only attack you guys to see if you would attack back and you guys did, beside it wasn't my fault you guys didn't have a brain ", Indra said and the others growled.

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