true bloodline, Indra's greatest kekkei genkai revealed

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It was already dark and Ashura was now awake, he was having a pout face and his arms were crossed and he was backing away from his team mates, there was a fire and a few fishes was being cooked in the fire.

"you should be grateful we got you out of there alive ", Izumi said to Ashura angrily.

"grateful... you guys left my cloak behind Izumi ".

"are you still whining about the cloak... I should have known the cloak was much more precious than your own life ", Izumi points and finger at Ashura, Indra was watching them as they continued with their bickering.

"do you know how much it cost me to buy that cloak? ", Ashura turn to face the fire, he took one of the fish and started eating.

"of course I know, from what I can see ", Izumi look at her cloak, "it look cheaper than your hair ", Izumi said in an insultive manner.

*huh* Ashura look at Izumi *arrr* he growled with flames coming out of his eyes.

"stop acting childish Ashura ".

"Izumi if anyone is childish it's gonna be you... beside you're still the youngest among us all ", Ashura said with a pointing finger.

"I may be the youngest but get this in that thick head of yours ", Izumi said.

Ashura bite from his fish before answering Izumi, "what is it? ".

"I'm more matured than you are ", she said with a small smile.

*arrr* "you little blue... ".

"that's enough you two cut the crap out, you should keep your voices down, or have you forgotten that there's someone out there searching through this forest just because of the three of us ", Indra remind them about Orochimaru.

"Indra is right... I don't want to run into that guy again... he creep the hell out of me ", Izumi said.

"you guys should say what ever you want to say... it not like I care... afterwards it's Indra he's after... he looks alot like a snake... like father like son ", *hmmm* Ashura scoffed.

*tch* Indra ball his fist angrily and he was now glaring at Ashura.

"( oh men... Ashura... he should have known Indra doesn't feel for that Orochimaru as a father... with the way he's glaring at Ashura I can tell he's holding himself back from slicing his katana through Ashura... clueless fool )", Izumi was looking at Indra who's eyes were closed.

"there's no need to be sweating though... he's your old man anyway so there's no doubt you should look alot like him ", Ashura said.

"shut it Ashura... you shouldn't be talking like that... you should act appropriate some times and be a regular guy, not some waste ", Izumi said to the red haired boy, "( I hope Indra get over it quickly... Ashura just don't have a single brain to think before speaking )".

"I wasn't talking to you Izumi, beside Indra knew I wasn't lying, right snake face? ", Ashura ask Indra who's eyes were still close, he was shaking on the dried log he sat on.

"shut up... or I will shut you up myself ", Indra open his eyes and there was anger in it, Ashura was the first to sense the anger running through Indra, but that wasn't enough to shut the red haired boy.

"Indra... you have to accept the fact that Orochimaru or snake boy or man or whatever he is, he's your father and you can't deny that ", Ashura said seriously.

"( he's not being sarcastic like before but... he's still pushing Indra )".

"I don't know what happened between you guys that can't be solved... maybe you should listen to him and hear him out, that may lead to you finding your mother... ", Indra's eyes snapped at this and in a flash he had Ashura pinned on the ground.

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