the red chakra, Ashura's new jutsu unleashed

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"it can't be ", Kakashi was taken aback, "it's that jutsu ".

*arrrrr* the lightning then took the form of a wolf.

Darui's eyes widen seeing this *tch*

"w-what is that ", Sakura ask.

"that's one of Shisui's deadly technique ", Kakashi informed, "it a jutsu of destruction, one that consumes a huge amount of chakra, not even myself will use such jutsu ".

*arrrr* "lightning style beast of fury ", the lightning beast took off and hit the sand dorm, it scattered and Gaara fall yards away.

"Gaara... ", both Temari and Kankuro cried out.

*huff huff* Ashura was panting heavily.

"it destroyed the sand ", Izumi was taken aback.

"it's not only power but it's faster than the human eyes ", Ino said.

"it's lightning, it's hard for people with the sharingan to even avoid being hit ", Guy informed.

"hard for a sharingan user to avoid?, that's too much ", Choji put away his empty bag of chips.

"I haven't seen him use such technique before ", Izumi look over to Ashura who was panting.

*tch* Gaara gritted his teeth as he was forcing his body to move.

"one of the effects of this jutsu is that it shut down every functions of the body ", Guy add.

"( someone seemed a little bit jealous )", Sasuke was watching Indra through the side of his eyes.

"now... I have to take him out now... or it may be too late ", Ashura place his hand in his weapon carriage and pulled out dozen of his kunai throwing them into different parts of the arena.

"( that's kunai... the fouth Hokage's... how did this brat? )", the Raikage's teeth were racking like crazy.

"isn't that Minato's... ".

"yeah... and you may wanna keep low if you don't wanna be heard ", Rin suggested.

"hey Gaara, wanna dance a little? ", Ashura threw the kunai on his hand at Gaara.

"Gaara watch out... ", Temari yelled.

*ugh* Gaara gasp, he bent slightly and the kunai passed away, Ashura appeared next to the kunai and slashed it at Gaara, the sand was quick to react blocking the kunai.

"the sand... it blocked it ", Sakura's eyes popped.

"I'm not through yet ", Ashura teleport over to one of the kunai on the arena wall and applied lightning chakra on it before throwing it at Gaara, he repeat the same with the rest of the kunai.

"there's no way he's going to block them all ", Omoi said.

"( pretty smart move, with the lightning on them they will surely get through the sand )", Shisui thought.

Ashura appeared to the one Gaara's sand blocked and used it on Gaara.

*ahhh* Gaara cried out in pain.

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