Chapter 1- Startling Discovery

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Emma's POV

Hi, my name is Emma Dawson I'm 16 years old and my father is the boss of the American Mafia. I'm supposed to be next in line to take over the mafia but apparently, in order for me to become the new boss I have to pass the ceremony. Now for those of you wondering what is the ceremony, I'll tell you. The ceremony is a massive event in the underground where the next in line/the new bosses have a series of challenges to complete to see if their worthy of being the next boss. The problem is not the ceremony itself since I've been training since I was 14. The real problem is that my father is insanely overprotective and is really hesitant to let me be the next boss. Anyway I'll tell you more about that later.

Right now, I'm hanging out with my mum and Aria in the living room as I've been ranting to them for the past 20 minutes about the Ceremony.

"I mean what else am i supposed to do? Dad is already protective and its like he wants to keep me in the dark forever just because I'm the Mafia Gem. I mean I don't understand I'm supposed to be next in line. Does he not think I'm worthy?" I turned to look at my mum first before looking at Aria waiting for one of them to answer.

My mum sighs softly before she turns to look at me. "Emma.. sweetheart.. your father thinks you're capable more than you think but the reason why he's hesitant is that not only are you the mafia gem but because he feels like if you take over he'll no longer be able to protect you as much as he can now. But I think you should talk to your dad about this as he'll be able to explain it more."

I look at her for a few seconds before sighing softly and nodding my head in understanding.

I looked at my best friend to see what she thought of the situation.

"Em, I agree with Aunty Rose you have to talk to your dad about it. We can go together now if you want?"

"Yeah I'd really appreciate that, I don't think I can approach him on my own. See you later mum."

"See you later sweetheart." My mum says as she goes to find Aunty Beatrix and me and Aria goes towards my father's office.

As we're walking down the corridor I turn to Aria and I ask "How do you think I should start the conversation?"

She has a thoughtful expression on her face before she says, "I think you should ease into the conversation. So that you can think about what you want to say."

I nod at her in agreement before turning to the door as we arrive outside his office.

I take a few deep breaths before knocking on the door.


I wait a few seconds before i hear my dad say come in.

We open the door slowly before me and Aria walk in and see my Dad with Uncle Sam and Max as well as Uncle Luke. Aria walks towards her Dad and side hugs him as I approach mine and sit at the chair infront of his desk.

"Hi girls, what's up?" My Uncle Sam and Max ask simultaneously.

"You guys ok? You look nervous." Uncle Luke said as he kissed Aria softly on the head.

Aria nods her head whilst I feel myself getting more nervous.

"Who is it?" I heard my dad say as he was in the file room so he didn't see that it was us that came in. He walks out of the file room before seeing us.

"Angel. What's the matter?" He asks before coming to the front of his desk and leaning against it as he looks at me.

I look at my dad before finally saying what I want to say.

"Dad.. I need to know why you won't let me participate in the Ceremony, I'm old enough now to take over so why won't you let me?!"

All my uncles looked shocked at this before they towards my dad with questions in their eyes. My dad realizes and sighs softly still not saying anything.

Uncle Luke breaks the silence. "Jake.. have you not told her what's been going on?"

It's silent for a few seconds before he lifts his head and is looking at me.

It must've been quiet for too long as all 3 of uncles shouted: "YOU DIDN'T TELL HER?!"

"No I haven't told her yet but I will now."

I look at my dad confused before asking "What's going on?"

My dad looks at me before starting to explain.

"Emma there is a reason as to why I've been hesitant about letting you in the Ceremony. But notbecaue I don't think you'll make a good boss because you will. The reason why I've been hesitant is because..."

"Dad what is it?!" I ask frantically

He looks at me before saying the words that make me freeze.

"Your mum's ex-best friend."

"What about her? Didn't mum shoot her?"

"Yes, your mother did shoot her. Except.."

"Dad, what is it you're scaring me?"

"Francessca is Alive Emma"

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