Chapter 37- Trip to Lagos

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Hi everyone 😌New chapter here. My readers and commenting 😭😭omdssss chapter 36 was at 101 comments even before it got to 30 reads (about 40 are my comment replies tho) but still!! Thank you guyssss I love seeing y'all interact in the comment sections, you always crack me up
That being said, DIVE INNN

(Not the observer)

"I'd do this over and over again with you"

"Do you think you can run away?"

"It's your word against mine"

"Pfft slimy disgusting pig"

"...slimy disgusting pig
...slimy disgusting pig"

"Ugghhh" frustration hits as I rid my stomach of it's toxin content

"You good in there?" Bianca's voice sounds behind my bathroom door, laced with its usual fake concern

"Yeah" I roll my eyes "go on without me"

I agreed to throwing a stupid party again as usual, they don't even help the escapism anymore. Even with the loudest noises blaring through the JBL speakers, I still hear that voice

It would be over when he leaves
It would be over when he goes back to school
It would be over when your parents are back
It would be over when you're older

My mantra for eight years, eight good years since that monster came into my life. I'll forever hate him, but more than anything I hate the woman I've become

I used to be an innocent, happy, too trusting child, loved everything and everyone- can't believe I actually looked forward to being an adult
Now I go on everyday of my life, thriving on what's too despicable to be thought of, blaming everyone but myself for the cause of my maniacal drive.

I spit the last bit of liquid in the toilet bowl and push the flush button down, staggering at bit from drowsiness. I turn on the tap on a washcloth and use it's damp ends to massage my forehead to relieve me of my banging headache at least a little. I turn the running water off and pause to listen for any movements in my room. When silence greets me, I pry open the bathroom door and walk into my mess of a room.

The lights are off but I still make out the shirtless figure of a man on the left side of the bed, lying on most part of the duvet with his big body. I spare only a little glance at him for me to realise its Duncan or Donald- I know its starts with a D- the drunk guy I was making out with before I had to puke. Against my better judgement, I decide to take the small space beside him as I can't fathom how I'd make it to the guest room with the pounding in my head.

His calloused hands reach for my exposed thighs with a disgusting smile on his lips, still drowsy from the effect of the alcohol. I almost gag as I throw his hand off, he falls asleep a second later

"Pathetic" I say

I take a proper look at his face that I now see due to the headlights shining from a car downstairs- the guy no even fine

I don't bother to change from my black leather dress even though its rather uncomfortable, I'll probably never wear it again. My eyes dart over to my empty suitcase at the foot of my bed, the clothes beside are literally begging to be folded so I don't throw them all in tomorrow in a rush when the driver calls to take me to the airport.
Let's hope Lagos is as fun as they claim

Continued from the last chapter...

(Amanda Aderinsola Akinde)

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