Chapter 23- Far From Home

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This chapter is dedicated to FavourOsedele for being the first reader for my last chapter 😌❤️ and also for trying to bribe me to give her spoilers😂😂
This chapter is also dedicated to all the others who have been trying to get me to spill😩 I love y'all but I'm a hard girl 😂😂🤞
I declare this part OPENNNN


Three days to Christmas and we are at the Bahamas, except the Bahamas is not exactly giving that 'holiday' feeling. Paparazzi have been flooding the borders of the private resort for days; right from the hour we landed at the airport. I feel he did it on purpose though, the whole world already knew where we were planning to travel to for vacation even before we got there

He's been smiling and waving at the cameras, holding his wife by his side 24/7 like a trophy on display. I can tell by how forced her smiles have become that she's enjoying it the least though, she'd probably collapse in her steps if he wasn't always holding her up to pose. My mum and I had agreed a week before vacation that we would go and visit her parents in Badagry and maybe stay a couple of days with her, but Mr Thompson would have none of that. He didn't even give us a choice to stay back while he travelled

The view of the sea shore doesn't bring as much comfort and calmness as it should, all I see are choppy waves and dangerous tides wrestling against each other's steep sided walls, gulls landing constantly to pick remains of the meals of higher animals on the food chain and the flashes of cameras from behind bushes where they believe they are properly hidden

"Eddy can I come in?" My mum's voice all at once snaps me out of my funk, a crinkle of confusion probably appearing between my brows

I thought they were going out

"Come in" I dump the remaining content of my soda pop along with the metal can into the bin

Her small head pokes into my room before she enters and closes the door. I notice something off about the way she walks in quickly then sits on my bed
I walk closer to her when I notice her bloodshot eyes

"What the-" my hand automatically goes over my mouth as I regard the woman in front of me

I noticed few days ago how much weight she's lost and how sunken her eyes have become but she has NEVER looked this terrible. My mum is easily the most beautiful woman I've met but this is definitely not the same woman

"What happened?" I say in a quieter tone as I scan her body for bruises, there are none

"Nothing really, I just wanted to see my lovely boy" she gives a practiced smile that doesn't reach her eyes

"Cut the crap mum"

"Mind your language with me young man" her face turns serious for a second before she breaks it with a sigh

She taps on the space beside her for me to seat, I join her on the bed, careful not to push her so she doesn't fall off

"You know," she puts her arm around my waist then places her head on my upper arm since technically her head can't get to my shoulders "sometimes I wonder where I went wrong"

This again

"Did he hit you?" I ask gently

She recoils from me as if I've said the most absurd thing, looking at me with unbelieving eyes

"Your father would never touch me and you know that" she disconnects her arm from my waist then proceeds to hug her robe tightly to her chest

"But instead he hurts you in other ways, it's still abuse mum" I snap at her

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