Chapter 3- Hope, dream and pray this works

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Welcome to a new chapter, I declare this part OPENNNN


And suddenly you know... It's time to trust the magic of new beginnings


(Edmond Ehizojie Thompson)

I throw a three pointer into the hoop when I see the swim coach and the principal in a heated conversation. I've never liked that woman from the on set, she has the habit of throwing shades at every other member of staff including her fellow coaches.
Coach Adams even has a special loathing for her. But still, she has helped the school win gold medals four years in a row at junior Olympics so she is practically indispensable. Hold on to that thought, is she walking away? No the principal definitely did not dismiss her. I'd have tried to listen more to their conversation but Coach Adams already said I was slacking and I need to up my game if I want to get into anything 'NBA' this year. I even did a couple of airballs in the last game, really unlike me.

"NBA's finest" without turning I know who's voice that is. I give a dry chuckle as I turn to look at the twerp behind me

"Hi Espn" she stalks over to where I am gallantly

"May I ask why NBA's future isn't in class this morning?"

"I dropped geography, I'm not writing it in WAEC" she tries to take the ball from me as I duck her. I shoot the ball into the hoop again earning a cheer from her

"Seems like you're really stepping up your game this year, you're always practicing, don't tell me you want to take my place as King of basket ball" I pass the ball to her and she catches it, doing a between the leg dribble, a ball fake and finally shooting it into the hoop.

"I'm already the king of basketball" I retort with a chuckle

Espn is the only female basketball player in the whole of Sheffield high so she just trains with the boys mostly, I'm even sure the boys have even forgotten she's a girl. She has always said basketball is mainly a hobby and that she isn't ready to pursue a career in the game but has she seen herself on the court? She is a beast with the ball, she has a small stature compared to the boys but her blocking game is always on point.

The bell rings signifying the end of first period. Espn and I walk to our separate classes, she is in the art department while I'm in the technical department; the noisy department. I pause in my steps as I notice a pretty, dark skinned girl that doesn't seem too familiar sitting at the far end of the class, new student in SS3? I plop down on my sit as I search my bag for my drawing book.

(Amanda Aderinsola Akinde)

The feeling of the new school was so strange, I am used to having a squad. This is the first time in my 16 years of existence that I feel so odd. Everyone kept looking at me as I walked through the black gates of the school. Are they that few in this school, how does the whole school know I don't belong here? Well this is going to be the longest one year of my life.

I walk into the principal's office with my credentials in my arms. She called my mum to make sure I took my transcript along with me to complete my transfer process. I walk into the office then pause for some seconds when I notice the principal is in a tensed conversation with another person who appears to be a teacher. I knock slightly to pull their attention towards the door. Oh I shouldn't have done that, now they are both looking at me with horrified expressions worn on their faces. I swallow

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