Chapter 31- Transferring aggressions

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I apologize for my irregular update last week 😩sorry loves. Well I'm here now so I declare this part OPENNNN

(Amanda Aderinsola Akinde)

"Everyone stay in your lines and keep quiet please" I say, blowing the silver whistle hanging on my neck

Wendy makes a remark under her breath catching my attention- I have let every single snarky comment she has made since we got here slide but not this time- I walk closer and stand directly in front of her

"Is there something you want to say to me" I say in a low, intimidating voice

She holds my gaze for seconds before she breaks it off, shaking her head

"The next person that speaks when she's not spoken to is going back to class and don't even think of showing your face again this term" I say sternly

"And where the heck is Jenny?" I ask a light skinned girl by my right

"U-uhm I think the teacher is still in her class" she stutters

"What class is she?"

"SS2 A" she replies

"Go and call her, don't come back if it's not with her" I order

"You already picked numbers from one to four now all number ones stand on the diving boards, number twos get ready and so on"

They scamper according to my instructions, the first set of students in their preparatory stances

"One, two-


They all dive in at the same time, giving it their bests.

The coach handed me the clipboard and a whistle today, he wants me to handle training. I'm not in the best mood obviously, today has just not been a good day for me. I told the coach that he only needs to work with us four that will be representing and maybe a substitute or two, but he insists on training the entire team together, waste of time and energy- it's even worse that one of the representatives is a junior, Jenny

Jenny is a pretty good swimmer and she's quite fast too but her nonchalance is more than annoying! She acts like she doesn't know the decathlon is literally knocking on our doors, she probably acts that way because Toke favours her- being her school daughter or something like that- not under my watch though

"Denny why aren't you swimming?" I ask the girl on afro beside me

"Sorry what?" She unplugs one of her Airpods

"Why are you sitting instead of swimming?" I repeat

"I don't get, I thought the other swimmers are the ones swimming and we'll swim later" she shrugs

"Why? Because you're too big to practice with them?" I cross my arms over my chest

She stands from her spot

"Why aren't you swimming with them?" Denaya throws the question back at my face

"Because the coach told me to coordinate and watch ALL of you practice" I put emphasis on the 'all'

She shakes her head and walks away, towards the locker room

"I'm still talking to you Denaya" I call after her

"It can't be me you're talking to like that" she walks away

Just great

Jenny and the girl I sent to fetch her- Britney- saunter into the arena, Jenny swaying her hips a little extra

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