Chapter 12- Welcome to the team

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Heyy children of the most high😗 here's an update earlier than usual as I said. Dedicated to Je_dwinfor commentingggg😫😫my agba commenter thank you so much. Dedicated to every other wonderful reader that leaves comments😘😘
I declare this part OPENNNN


Amanda's POV
(Amanda Aderinsola Akinde)

"Three, two, one" the whistle goes off and I dive in, along with 7 other contestants

The familiar kiss of the warm water hits my skin and the feeling thrills me. I stretch my hands fully for my forward stroke to really count knowing that I have an advantage over the other new comers who have not really found out their footing. I give myself a solid push to complete the lap totally unaware of the positions my competitors stood at the moment. Giving extra effort to complete the final four feet of the pool I feel my hand graze the tiles slightly as I prop myself out of the pool.

Claps and cheers erupt from the audience behind me as I look to find out I am the only one out of the water, the others are still struggling to finish. I feel like letting out a scoff when I see this, the coach actually made me swim with SS1 tryouts, how embarrassing! These guys have probably never even competed, does he know how many medals I got in Bolton? A whole Mami water Amanda

I look over to where the coach and captains usually sit where I see Toke looking at me with the most bored expression ever, as if she sees someone swim like a fish everyday. I can't believe I imagined all night how surprised she would look like when she witnessed me in water, I guess nothing impresses this Ice witch!

I grab my towel from my chair and wrap it over my shoulders as the other swimmers who just got out of the water are doing. The coach signals for the next set of swimmers to stand at the edge ready to dive. From my seat I watch each of them and their similar stances, each probably saying a silent prayer. I notice the last person to walk over to the stand, Toke. Okay this girl has never been a fan of baggy clothes but I don't think I've ever seen her figure this much before in my life! Our school had one piece swim suits which had tights that got to our mid thighs and tops that exposed just our upper backs and that was all. That was all Toke needed to show us she could pop in and out of a fashion magazine anytime she wanted, she had flesh in all the right places, curves in all the right places. See my mate lord am I a potato?

The whistle is blown and just like that Toks flies into the water, her motion in water is so silent, so swift. It looks as though she melted into the ripples and has become one with the water, she was made for this. As she flips to complete the second half of the lap a second girl Denaya, one which I already picked is the second best after Toks which made them tie often, is catching up with Toke and may outswim her. I don't know if I'm supposed to be feeling this way but I am silently praying for Toke to go faster and not let Denaya take first place, no offence Denaya but I am secretly rooting for Toke. Like she'd ever root for me

It seems like Toke heard me telling her to go faster when she suddenly did at the end and got to the finish, slightly ahead of Denaya. Majority of the cohort beside me clap and cheer for Toke, junior students who adore the peanuts out of her. Toke doesn't even seem fazed by the whole fan girl rubbish the juniors are doing when she gets out of the water, she simply grabs her towel and dries herself off silently as the coach scribbles numbers and names on the board. He stands up slowly then gestures for everyone to gather around him for information

"You guys all did well, I'm impressed to say the least. I've made my top ten list and those who did not make the cut are still our swim team but you need to work harder okay?"

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