Chapter Two: Past Love

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With a small sigh, Olrox sits on the corner of the bed, leaving Richter where he is.
"My first love was from the New World, a place called Massachusetts. Back then, it used to be a colony, really, not the busy city it looks like now," he murmurs.

Richter listens, hugging his knees to his chest. The scent of lavender still lingers in the air from when Olrox was so close to him.
"He was hard headed, a lot like you. Always charging into battle like he thought he was invincible. He was deeply connected to his heritage, his family roots. We were happy together, but then your mother killed him."
Olrox looks at Richter, not angry at him, but at the memory.

"I hold no grudge against you," he clarifies to Richter, smoothing down the crumbled blanket with his hand absentmindedly.
"Because he was a vampire," Richter realizes, eyes wide. "Did you ever ask him if he wanted to be turned?"

"I turned him into a vampire because I loved him. I thought we would be together forever. That's what I wanted," Olrox mutters.
"But was it what he wanted?" asks Richter softly.
Olrox says nothing.
Richter sighs, head resting against the wall as he looks towards the window across the room.

"You said earlier that you smelled my loneliness, my grief," Richter sighs.
"A human soul," Olrox fills in.
"You could have killed me when I was a child, and you could have killed me by the lake. But you didn't," Richter notes. "Because you feel some sort of...I don't know what to call it."
"For simplicity's sake, let's call it a bond of sorts," the Aztec explains softly, not looking malicious at all. He looks tired, sad.

"A bond?" Richter echoes. "Like a soulmate?"
"I saw it in your eyes, the need for affection. I assume you don't have any other family. An aunt that isn't really your aunt and a sister who isn't really your sister. You're alone, like I am. Like I have been all these years," Olrox murmurs.

Richter lets this sink in, his heart rate suddenly spiking.
"Before you knocked me out, you said I was inexperienced," he begins.
Olrox turns his head to look at him.
"I observed you fighting in the dungeons. You're decent with the whip, but I didn't see you cast any spells," he states, hands resting on his lap.

"I haven't been able to since I was ten," Richter admits.
"No?" Olrox blinks, a slight look of surprise crossing over his face.
Belmont shakes his head no.
"I want to protect you," says Olrox suddenly, like he's come to a final decision. "Your whip and knives can only take you so far in terms of fighting."

"Why me?" he asks, realizing he can look Olrox in the eyes without his breathing becoming erratic.
"Because I'm assuming you don't have any family left. Your mother never mentioned any other members?" The Aztec guesses.
"She briefly mentioned her father, Juste Belmont, but said he had died some time ago," he admits. Why is he admitting all of this so fast? Didn't he hate and fear Olrox only minutes ago?

"That settles it, then," Olrox stands, looking down at Richter. "I'll try my best to defend you, no matter what. I'll follow you like a second shadow, guarding you in dark spaces during the day and walking with you at night. The other vampires following Drolta and her mistress are planning something," he looks troubled. "Something I don't like."

"And you want me to help you?" Richter adds.
"In exchange for that, I'll protect you," Olrox fills in with a nod, his earrings clinking. "We both have the same end goal, stopping them from completing their work."
He holds his hand out again, offering it to Richter.

Quite literally backed into a corner, Richter knows he doesn't have much of a choice now. He doubts his friends will take him back now, especially Annette. He can only imagine how angry she is. And Edouard is still down in the dungeons...
He looks up at Olrox, then takes his hand. The Aztec helps him stand with little effort.
"Deal," Richter nods, knowing now he won't be alone. Especially after running off like he did.

For the first time since seeing Richter again, Olrox smiles.

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