Dreamscape Final Part

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Here's the final part! 🤗

3rd Person POV (Enhypen's POV)
    A few months have passed since the group had last seen Solon. When the group first met him, they all assumed he was just a figment of their imagination, a trick of their minds to fill in the piece they all felt was missing. But when they all discussed seeing him, they knew that couldn't be the case. For starters, it's not possible to share the same dream as someone else, let alone five other people. Secondly, his emotions were way too realistic to be imagined. So they all tried to come up with another solution.
    Despite all of them coming up with multiple solutions, none of them sounded realistic. Especially Noa's, who said that Solon was some traveler from a parallel universe whose only way of communicating with them was through dreams. Like how crazy does that sound? In the end, none of them could come up with a reasonable solution to their current predicament.
    When Jino entered his room looking to relax a bit, he wasn't expecting to see Solon, who was slowly falling asleep as he worked on math homework, sitting at his desk. Jino thought he was sleepwalking, so he rubbed his eyes and pinched his arms to ensure he was still awake. After confirming he was, he silently made his way behind Solon. He did a double-take on the male in front of him to make sure it was his soulmate, who was his bestie and other half before he attempted to communicate with him. First, he tried calling his name but soon realized that wouldn't work since Solon was wearing earbuds. Afterward, he attempted to wave his hands harshly and make big movements. But like before, it failed since Solon was on the verge of passing out. With only one choice left, Jino decided to test his luck. Standing beside Solon, Jino gently shook his shoulder. Immediately Solon responded by sitting up straight and looking around his room for the person who shook him awake. But he was confused when he saw nobody, only small specks next to him that slowly disappeared. It was after this moment, that Jino became hopeful of reuniting with Solon. He felt so much joy at that moment that he quickly rushed out the door to tell the others the news.
    Over the next week, the others began to have similar encounters with Solon. They'd see him in different parts of their dorm but he never seemed to see them back. Whenever they attempted to touch him or speak with him they'd never succeed. Some of the members began to feel discouraged. Until one day, they finally made some progress, and by a little accident no less.
    It started with Shion accidentally spilling Solon's favorite drink over his notes. Solon cursed a lot, as he spent a lot of time perfecting his notes. When he finished drying everything, he was shocked to see handwriting different from his own. Solon thought he was hallucinating due to him skipping his meds that day. But after seeing the message from Shion, he knew that couldn't have been true. After all, Shion was only a part of his imagination, wasn't he?
    Meanwhile, Shion shared his new discovery with everyone. Not long after, everyone began leaving messages for Solon. They discovered that the only way for them to communicate was to touch something Solon was also touching. By having non-direct contact, they were able to communicate depending on what they were touching. Be it his sweater or his pen, they were finally able to communicate with each other. Things were beginning to look up.
    Sadly though, one day things were becoming too much for Solon. He began to revert back to his old self and was losing himself to the demands of others. Enhypen began to see this change too and wanted to stop it before it was too late to save Solon. While they were discussing in their living room, a message suddenly appeared before all of them.
    "Do you wish to save Park Solon" it read. In unison, they all shouted yes without hesitation.
    "Are you willing to travel worlds, even if it means you risk losing everything you value here?" it read. Everyone looked at one another before they spoke.
    "We'll do whatever it takes to bring back his smile," Heli spoke, his voice filled with determination as his expression took on a serious look.
    "Solon's our friend, we'd have to be terrible friends to let him suffer alone," Jaan spoke, his usual smirk present on his face.
    "You got that right," Jino agreed, his puppy smile present.
    "For Solon hyung, anything is possible," Shion spoke, his sunshine personality shining brightly.
    "Yep, hyung may be a bit of a weirdo sometimes, but that's just how he is." Noa agreed with a nod of his head.
"For Solon hyung," Jakah spoke as he placed his hand above the "yes" button. Everyone nodded their heads before they all pressed yes. Soon the group found themselves surrounded by light as they were transported to Solon's world. Upon landing, they heard a voice in their head telling them to go to where it all began.
    When they arrived, the group was a bit lost. Compared to their own world, Solon's was similar with minor differences. Soon enough though, they were on their way. They ran through multiple routes before finally reaching their destination. Upon arrival, they were all worried about Solon actually being there, but they ignored that thought, instead letting their hope guide them.
    As they went inside, they were surprised to see that this world's version of their company building had an indoor ice rink built inside it. Compared to their world's, this one seemed a bit ancient. The colors were more monochromatic, and the spacing was odd. But that was to be expected, given the fact they're in a different world. After exploring for a bit, the group briskly went back to their main objective. Luckily for them, they didn't have to search for long.
    "Look there he is!" Noa spoke, causing everyone to look in that direction. Standing at the bottom of the staircase was Solon, in the flesh no less. For a moment, the group was startled. While it's only been a few months since they've last seen Solon, they couldn't help but notice how much has changed about him.
    "No matter what, we'll bring back his smile." They all thought before proceeding down the stairs. They soon surrounded Solon, causing him to get annoyed as he hadn't noticed them yet.
    "If you're here for an autograph or photo, I'm sorry but I'm tired. Please leave me alone." He said as he continued to lace his shoes.
    "I love your enthusiasm, but I'm afraid we're here for something else," Jaan spoke. Immediately after hearing the voice, Solon froze. His laces slipped from his grasp.
    "For real, why settle for an autograph when we can get the person instead? I think that's a much better idea." Jino said, his lips forming into a smile. To say Solon was surprised would be an understatement. The boy was so flabbergasted he couldn't even form words. When he looked up and saw his friends, tears began to fill his eyes.
"Y-You're here...b-but h-how? I thought y-you weren't r-real..." He asked. Each of them smiled before explaining.
"Let's just say we came a long way for you and we're hoping you'll agree to go back with us," Jakah spoke as he held a hand out.
"Yeah, if you come with us, you'll finally be able to be you, hyung." Shion spoke as he held his hand out.
"No more parents, no more coach, no more having to deal with all the pressure." Noa listed as he held his out.
"If you come with us, we can show you what it's like to finally live your life. Not for your parents or your coach. But for you." Heli spoke as he held his hand out.
"Not to mention, you'll be free to make your own decisions and not have to worry about pleasing anyone but yourself," Jaan spoke as he held his hand out.
"Bonus, you won't be alone. We'll be with you every step of the way." Jino spoke as he held his hand out.
"Also, we're as real as can be. Like I know my looks are dreamy but I'm sorry to say I'm too good-looking for it to be imaginary." Heli joked, a knowing smirk on his face before Jaan smacked the back of his head.
"The choice is yours, Solon hyung," Jakah said as everyone looked at him with hopeful eyes. Time seemed to slow down, everyone's breathses were caught in their throats as they waited for a response. At least, until Solon placed his hand on top of theirs.
"I'll hold you guys to it." He spoke a genuine smile on his face for the first time in a long time.

Basic ending: Solon ends up leaving his world, and going back to Enhypen's world. Once in the new world, he's a nobody giving him the opportunity to become someone aka the newest member of Enhypen. The End!

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