Our Omega (OT6) Part 1

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Before we start I would just like to mention that I'm making this oneshot into four different parts. So please stay tuned for that. This was requested by Hope_WinterBear.
Also for this story I changed the members ages. The ages are listed below in case you were wondering. 
Heeseung - 23
Jay - 22
Jake - 22
Sunghoon - 22
Sunno - 21
Jungwon - 20
Niki - 19

  Heeseung - 23Jay - 22Jake - 22Sunghoon - 22Sunno - 21Jungwon - 20Niki - 19

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At first it was just a normal day for Sunghoon. The others had planned to hang out since they had just finished finals for their college classes and decided that they would be staying at Heeseung's house for the weekend. It seemed like the best option since his parents were gonna be gone for a business trip. And although this seems like every other day they spend together, things this time decided to take a different turn.

Before going to Heeseung's house, Sunghoon planned on packing some essentials since he and the other's will be staying over there for two days. As he packed his clothes and pajamas into his bag, he would recite a list of things he thought were necessary to bring along. As he did that a small bottle suddenly fell off his desk, causing him to stop what he was doing and look for the cause of the noise. When he spotted the small bottle he quickly grabbed it and looked it over for a moment.

"Should I bring these just in case?" He thought as he turned the small bottle of heat pills over in his hand. But as he did, he suddenly remembered that almost every time the seven have a sleepover, Niki would secretly go through each member's bags to see if they had any snacks he could steal. Looking towards the small calendar he had placed on his desk, it read that his heat shouldn't come for at least another week.

"One weekend without the pills should be okay, right?" Sunghoon thought to himself. Placing the bottle back in its original place on his desk, Sunghoon resumed his packing. About ten minutes later, he quickly changed into some comfortable clothes before making his way towards the front door.

"I'm gonna be leaving now!" Sunghoon announced as he put his converses on.

"Alright! Be sure to text us when you get there!" His mother replied from the living room. Sunghoon felt a small smile form on his lips as he exited the house. He felt lucky to be born in a family that accepted him for being an omega. Even though it was rare to have male omegas, from what Sunghoon had heard about online, most male omegas that got found out about were usually labeled as weak and could only bring shame to their family. It was because of this, Sunghoon had grown a fear of his friends learning the truth about him. It was exactly because of this fear that he tried so hard to hide his secret and for the most part his efforts weren't in vain.

But pushing that thought aside, Sunghoon quickly opened the door to his car and placed his bag in the passenger seat. Once he was situated he started his car up and began the drive to Heeseung's house. Although the seven of them all attended the same university, their houses were still a good twenty minutes away from each other due to each of their families being in the high social class and living in large mansions.

Our Precious MemberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora