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[Shut Up, Dr. Phil]


A woman with foils in her hair was following a stylist through electric sliding doors to the back of a hair salon while talking on a cell phone.

The woman said into the phone, "Karen, don't second-guess yourself. Yes, your house is beautiful, but didn't you tell me a million times that it's Rick's dream house? Selling it is how you punish his ass, Karen, and after what you've been through, don't you deserve that?"

The stylist placed a plastic cap over the woman's foils as the woman continued speaking. "You do, honey. I'll have the papers ready tomorrow." ... "Yay! I'm proud of you." ... "Bye."

The woman said to the stylist, "I'm not good. I'm very good."

The stylist chuckled and handed her a magazine. "There you are."

"Thank you."

"All right." He lowered a beehive hairdryer over the woman's head and turned it on. "Ten minutes. Holler if you need anything."

The woman flipped through the magazine for a few moments, then started to look uncomfortable and tugged at her clothing. She tried to lift the hairdryer off her head.

"Chris!" the woman called as she tried to slide out from under the hairdryer, but was somehow pulled back up. She tried to lift the hairdryer again, but it was now too hot to comfortably hold. She jerked her hands away and shook them. "Ow. Chri— Ow."

The woman continued to try to get away. Smoke started to come out of the hairdryer. "Ow. Chris, get back here!"

Light flashed from the hairdryer and the woman screamed, "Chr-i-i-i-is! Chris!"

The woman continued to scream and struggle as light and smoke continued to come from the hairdryer. She was then lifted up from her seat further into the hairdryer and went still. The hairdryer beeped and turned off.

Chris walked back through the sliding doors. "Oh, my God. Somebody, help!" He lifted the hairdryer from the woman's head and screamed at what he saw. "Aaaagh!"


Dean was asleep fully dressed on a bed with a beer bottle next to him on the bedside table next to Michal who was also asleep. He was having a nightmare.

Castiel disappearing into the reservoir.

Sam shooting at his hallucination of Lucifer in the warehouse as he yelled, "Leave me alone! I said shut up! Just stop! Stop!"

Dean talking to and then killing Amy. "You are what you are. You will kill again."

"I won't. I swear," Amy said.

Dean woke in alarm and raised himself up onto one elbow, breathing heavily. He looked over at the other bed, which was empty. He laid back down and reached out for the beer bottle, which was also empty.

Michal stirred and yawned, looking at him. "Are you all right?"

He nodded and lied, "I'm fine."

"Dean, if you ever-"

"Mika. I'm fine."

Dean pulled up something on his laptop while Michal prepared coffee for them.


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There is a picture of WENDY GOODSON, the woman from the hair salon.

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