Matteo and Xavier just looked straight up scared, even though I could tell they couldn't tell what Ryan was saying or talking about.

Xander and Nikolai looked a little bit impressed with her, even though I have no clue why the actual fuck Nikolai would be impressed. 

I know for a fact no matter how close to our family that boy is, he will end up dead if he starts trying to cozy up with my little sister. 

Marco looks like he is trying to fight his way through to the door, only having stopped because he saw me walk around the corner, and looked like he was being lightly held back by Rico. 

Enzo and Chris are looking between the door and each other worriedly.

I walk closer to the door and start to hear exactly what is being said.

Well, not really.

She was rapidly switching between languages with small little pauses between each of the times she speaks.

"Every time she pauses for a little bit," Rico starts whispering, gathering the attention of all the people standing outside her door, "She is using sign language."

I start to make my way to the door, because being the oldest it is my job to make sure nothing gets too out of hand. As I am about to put my hand on the doorknob, another, smaller hand, lands on top of mine and starts puling it away from the door. 

I look over to see that it is Rico. "You don't want to go in there. Trust me. And if you are worried about Rudy, don't be. She would never physically hurt any of us on purpose or unless we were in the ring. If you don't want to be yelled at like that, I suggest not to go in there." 

"I am the eldest sibling; it is my job to make sure everything is alright with my siblings." I reply sternly back to my younger brother, the youngest brother.

Rico looks conflicted until he finally chooses what he wants to say. "Based on what I can hear Ryan yelling about, you can't help. Not yet at least. Just give it some space. Please." 

I look into his eyes that have hope in them still. That was what my goal was. To have all of my younger brother's eyes, all eight, and my younger sister's eyes as well, to be filled with hope. 

I relent.

"Fine. But we will all be having a conversation about this." I state back in a monotone, but firm voice. 

He nods his head rapidly before starting to shoo everyone away, though I start to walk away from Ryan's room on my own.

I will find out what you are hiding, sorellina.

(Little sister.)


"Was zum Teufel ist eigentlich los mit dir, Rudy!" I seethe.

(What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Rudy!)

The German Mafia as well as Karma's Triplets had all received threats recently. Which is fine, happens on a normal basis. Except these threats seems kind of promising, and much more dangerous than any of the other threats we have ever received. 

And it was the fucking French Mafia. 

So, in response, Rudy decides it is only appropriate to go prancing about in an underworld fighting rink dressed as who he is, Karma's Devil. And to top the motherfucking cake off, he did so without Rico and I. On a normal basis, I would let it slide, even though when anything we need to do in the underworld is done, we all end up doing it together so that it is safer. 

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