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Series: ???

Description: Zombies, apocalypse

MC: Y/n (Male Reader)

Y/n P.O.V

What I remember about the day it all began was... How simple it was. I had just woken up on a Monday morning, exhausted and mumbling like a zombie. I never could get a handle on waking up early enough to properly prepare myself for school which often meant I was going to school looking like a mess. And yet I miss it. 

I wasn't really the loner kid, but I also wasn't anyone popular either. I had my own little friend group, but I didn't really know them too well. We mostly just messed around, got up to all sorts of messes that either got us or others in trouble. But it was all good fun and nobody was seriously harmed. 

The walk to school seemed normal enough at the time. Streets were busy with heavy traffic and even busier people trying to rush to their jobs. Or at least that was what I assumed at the time. I was still half asleep so I couldn't really make out the screams I heard, assuming it was just people shouting at each other in a fit of anger. The shouting part was a common occurrence, so I didn't think much of it. 

By the time I arrived at my school, I began to notice something was... different. Unlike most days, there were no crowds of students gathered at the front. Usually, kids of all ages would hang out at the front with their friends until the bell rang. When I checked my phone, I saw it was nowhere near the time the bell was supposed to ring. I began to wonder if school was cancelled, but I saw a figure limp through a hallway, wearing student uniform. 

Y/n: Hey! Wait! 

The person ignored me, making me sigh. Since the school doors were already open and there was nothing keeping me out of the school, I decided to enter. What else was I going to do? Walk back through the hellish traffic for another hour? I think I'd rather rest my legs for a bit first inside the school rather than walk straight back. 

Upon entering the main hall, I noticed just how much of a mess the halls were. Books were littered everywhere, lockers were torn open with some actually ripped off the wall, and there were strange marks in the walls. When I got a closer look, it seemed like some kind of hole was burnt into it. But I had no idea what it was or why it was even there. 

Feeling a little disturbed, I began to back away from the markings. As I backed up, I then heard something down the hall on my left. Looking over, I was quick to recognise a student in my year. It was the class president, Lisa. But... Most of her uniform was torn apart, leaving her in mostly rags. 

Y/n: Lisa? What happened to you?! H-Hold on! I'll call an ambulance or something! 

I reached into my pocket to pick out my phone, but while I was doing that, I kept my eye on Lisa as she got closer. When she came out from the shadows, my heart froze for a solid second. Her eyes were a bloodshot red colour and her body was littered with bites and blood. She even had a bullet hole in her chest! To make things even creepier, she kept letting out these low guttural groans and she had a bit of blood and what looked like a strip of skin stuck in her teeth. 

Y/n: L

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Y/n: L...Lisa...? 

Not even a second later and she let out a scream, sprinting at me. My fight or flight instinct kicked in and I immediately turned away from her and ran down the hall. As I ran, I heard movement from the classes all around me. Once I reached the end of the hallway, doors came crashing down from the hall behind me, prompting me to turn. But I immediately wished I didn't. 

Students of all ages and teachers even, were drawn to the sound of my footsteps! Not all of them had red eyes. Some of them had grey, dull and lifeless eyes. But they all seemed to share the same goal. To chase me down! Feeling the adrenaline pumping through me, I continued to run down the hall on my right. Their roaring and shrieking got closer and closer to me, terrifying me! Regardless, I continued to run for my life, hoping that this wouldn't be the end. 

As soon as I was about to turn to my left, a student that was torn in two tried to lunge at me! Luckily, he didn't reach me as a part of his spinal cord was trapped under a locker that had collapsed over him. Panicking, I turned away and ended up running into a dead end. 

Y/n: SHIT! 

The horde of students and teachers got closer and closer, their cries almost deafening. When I turned around, I saw them all dash for me like I was some kind of prize! I leaned my back against the wall, shutting my eyes and just wishing that this was a bad dream I could awaken from.

Suddenly, I felt the wall give way and I fell through either for better or for worse...

Y/n: And now... All I can really do is try my hardest to survive. 

A/n: To be continued in...

Multiversal Apocalypse

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