Berserk Affection

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Series: Soulstice

Name: Briar

Description: Psycho/insane/berserk, lemon, conflict, switches

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Description: Psycho/insane/berserk, lemon, conflict, switches

MC: Mutasim Lycan (Male OC)

Mutasim P.O.V

What a mess... 

Ilden had fallen due to a tear and Corruption had spread to just about every single living thing in the kingdom. As far as I was aware, there were no survivors. People tried to hide away in all manner of places, the docks, the sewers, they even tried fleeing the place. But it didn't end well. By now, everyone were just a bunch of mindless roaming creatures, seeking only to spread Corruption. 

And then there was me... A completely new recruit that had become a Chimera that stood in the midst of all this death and destruction. A Chimera was... a sort of super soldier of a kind. They possessed incredible strength and agility, beyond that of an ordinary human. Not only that, but each and every Chimera had a spiritual partner known as a Shade, someone who was close to the knight but was dead. Their spirits hadn't passed through the Veil and so they were bonded to the knights to increase their chances of survival. 

In my case, my Shade was my little brother, Darius. Our partners were knights too, but not Ashen Knights of the Order which was the group the Chimera were called. They had raised their weapons to defend our home, but all the knights were slaughtered by the Corrupted. My brother was mortally wounded and I couldn't do anything. When I was offered the choice to become a Chimera and bond my brother's soul to me, I didn't even hesitate. But... I felt selfish at the same time. Instead of allowing my younger brother to move on into the afterlife with our parents, I had dragged him down with me into the depraved pits of Hell that we now find ourselves in. 

He's told me not to worry so much about it, but... The guilt will always be there, gnawing in the back of my mind. 

Darius: I wish we could have saved these people... So much death... 

Mutasim: I know... But that's not what this job entails either. If this Corruption spreads from this island... 

Darius: More than just Ilden will fall. 

Mutasim: Exactly. Do we know where the other Chimera are supposed to be? The knights told us there were supposed to be four of us, one that was also a rookie like us. 

Darius: I... I think I can sense one Chimera's aura, but its fleeting. No... Its... being Corrupted! 

Mutasim: Shit... How far are they? 

Darius: Um... I... I don't know! This aura is difficult to read. 

Before we could make any proper progress to the Chimera's location, abnormal creatures had appeared in front of us. They were all donning the uniform and weaponry of fallen soldiers. Their eyes a grey husk, their skin wrinkled and withered, almost skeletal-like at this point. 

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