-Chapter 4 Hobbit-

Start from the beginning

But then Thorin stands up and shouts, "Itkitî! (Silence!)" All the dwarves shut up. He says, "Do you think that we are the only ones who have read the signs? Rumors have spread. The dragon Smaug hasn't been seen for 60 years. Other powers begin to look in the direction of the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit here while others claim what is rightfully ours, or do we go and get back Erebor?! Du Bekâr! Du Bekâr! (To arms! To arms!)" The other dwarves start to cheer.

I am impressed with his determination, but Balin just sighs and says, "You forget: the front gate is sealed. We can't get inside." While the other dwarves are once again dejected, Gandalf smiles and says, "That, my dear Balin, isn't completely true," and he pulls out a key from nowhere. While the dwarves regain their hope, I just think, 'Where did he pull that key from?' Thorin asks Gandalf, "Where did you get that?" To that, Gandalf answers, "It was given to me by your father Thrain for safekeeping, and it is now yours," and with that, he hands Thorin the key. "If there is a key..." Fíli said, trailing off, "then there is also a door," at that Gandalf nods and says while pointing at some runes on the map that I couldn't really see, "These runes speak of a hidden passage to the lower halls." Kíli smiles while putting his hand on his brother's shoulder and says, "Then there is a way in."
To that, Gandalf just sighs while saying, "Well, if we can find it, but dwarf doors are invisible when closed." Then he points at the map and says, "The answer is somewhere hidden in the map, but I don't have the skills to find them." I just grin and think, 'Skill issues.' Gandalf continues, "but there are others in Middle-earth who can," he says while looking at Thorin. I think, 'I know who he is referring to, and by the looks of it, Thorin knows too. The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth and no small amount of courage," Gandalf says while looking at Bilbo. He then continues, "but if we are careful and clever, I believe it can be done."

To that, Ori says, "That's why we need a burglar." While he says that, I think, 'I think I know where this is going.'

"Hmm. And a good one at that, an expert I'd imagine," answers Bilbo to what Ori said. Ori asks, "And are you?" while the other dwarves look expectantly at Bilbo. I think, 'Called it,' while Bilbo asks, "Am I what?"

"He said he is an expert," Ori said with his weird trumpet pressed against his ear. "Hey."

Bilbo, just realizing what he was meant with the question, answers, "Me? No, no, no, no, I'm no burglar. I've never stolen something in my life." I just sweatdrop while thinking, 'Poor him.'

Balin then says, "I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr. Baggins. He's hardly burglar material." Bilbo affirms, "Nope." Balin continues, "Aye, the wild is no place for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves." 'Hard but somewhat true,' I think while Bilbo just points at Dwalin in agreement. Then the dwarves start to talk and argue. I just think, 'Can't they stop arguing or something?' I look over to Gandalf and see that he is short from exploding. I can just think, 'Oh well, sorry for the dwarves,' before Gandalf then stands up and it gets dark while Gandalf shouts, "Enough! If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is." 'I don't think that's how it works, but okay,' I think while everyone shuts up with varying looks on their faces. Gandalf continues, "Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet. In fact, they can pass unseen by most if they do choose, and while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarfs, the scent of hobbits is completely new to him, which gives us a distinct advantage." Bilbo wants to protest, but his words get stuck in his throat. Gandalf continues, sitting down, "You asked me to find the 14th member of the companionship, and I have chosen Mr. Baggins." He looks at Bilbo. "There is a lot more to him than appearances suggest."

Thorin looks down in thought.

"And he's got a great deal more to offer than any of you know," Gandalf says while looking at the dwarves, then looking at Bilbo. "Including himself."

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