Y/n: Good for him. Good for him.

Y/n and Jessica then experience the all too familiar buzzing of their Spider-Sense. They turn to see a hulking beast made up entirely of graves.

Jessica Drew: Oh, don't tell me...

Coming to the same realisation as Jess, Y/n bursts into hysterics- almost collapsing as a result of laughing so hard.

Y/n: Oh! Oh, I get it! It's Tombstone! Oh, God, that's... that's funny...

Jessica Drew: Hilarious.

Tombstone: GRAAAAAH!

Y/n throws one of Miguel's capture devices at Tombstone, but the monster bats it away- instead trapping a stray cat. Y/n gasps and turns to Jess

Y/n: Can we keep it?

Tombstone rips a grave off of his shoulder- revealing a caked layer of mud, perhaps the monster's so called flesh. He throws the slab at the Spiders as Y/n leaps out of the way and Jess swerves her bike.

Y/n: Looks like we've made a pretty grave error!

Jessica Drew: Shut up!

While Jessica rides laps around Tombstone to distract him, Y/n grabs the slab that the monster threw at him- running towards Tombstone and striking him across the face with it. Tombstone remains unscathed though the grave Y/n holds has turned to rubble.

Tombstone: Grr...

Tombstone attempts to punch Y/n, though the Spider is of course able to dodge. The pair continue their efforts to wear out the villain, though they start to lose their own stamina.

Y/n: God, it's like trying to get blood out of a stone!

Jessica Drew: I get it, he's a big rock!

Tombstone brings his fist down on Y/n who has to use both hands to catch it, falling to a crouch position under his weight. Jess rams Tombstone with her bike- getting him off Y/n.

Y/n: What's the odds Miguel sends us after an invincible enemy?

Jessica Drew: Oh, we are gonna be having words when I get back...

Shaking the rubble off of himself- Tombstone stands opposed to Y/n and Jessica as they devise a plan, the behemoth slowly running towards them.

Y/n: What do we do?

As Tombstone approaches further, he tears another grave off of his body to use as an impromptu weapon. Jessica notices this, and cooks up an idea.

Jessica Drew: I got something.

She revs her motorbike's engine, preparing to speed off as Tombstone finally begins to make some pretty serious ground.

Y/n: You wanna share what that is?

Jessica Drew: Keep your distance!

She shoots off. Y/n looks back to Tombstone only to see him tearing up for a strike. Y/n is barely quick enough to dodge as the stone shatters against the lamppost that was behind him. For the next ten or so minutes: Spider-Man adopts Jessica's strategy- allowing him to expend all of his graves until there were practically none left.

Y/n: Is that stuff his skin?

That 'stuff' is a mixture of mud, Earth and vines. It holds the monster together and Y/n hypothesises that perhaps there isn't even a man underneath.

Jessica Drew: That's enough, trap him!

Y/n winces, not wanting to get his suit dirty. He webs himself towards Tombstone and slides through his legs. As he does so: he plants a device given to him by Miguel. The gizmo creates an energy field that traps Tombstone inside- rendering him trapped.

Y/n: That's a Team Spider special right there.

Y/n holds out his hand for a fist bump which Jess reluctantly takes. We later see the pair back at HQ, with Tombstone placed inside a small capsule at the centre of an auditorium.

Hobie Brown: Yo.

Y/n looks up to see Spider-Punk descending to his level from the rafters. He removes his mask and stares out at Tombstone being prepped for the "Go Home Machine."

Y/n: What can I do for you, Hobie?

Hobie Brown: Need to chat to ya when you've got a sec.

Y/n: About what?

Hobie Brown: You know what.

Y/n removes his own mask as the pair watches the scene. Spider-Byte works her magic on the console as Tombstone pounds against the walls of his laser cage- small particles of him falling off.

Y/n: This wouldn't be your master plan to bring down the Spider-Society, would it?

Hobie Brown: Not so loud.

The Go Home Machine lights up as Tombstone is blasted away to his home dimension- a blinding white briefly flashing across the room.

Y/n: Why'd you even share your secret plan with me? I could've ratted you out.

Hobie Brown: You agree with me. It's all over your face, mate.

Y/n: Whatever.

Y/n puts his mask back on in response- though Hobie takes it right back off and hands it to him.

Y/n: So, what? Two Spiders are supposed to take on the whole Society?

Hobie Brown: Nah, three. If you can convince your brother.

Y/n: I don't know... it feels like he's pretty sucked in to the whole canon propaganda.

Hobie Brown: Alright. Just an idea.

The sound of a thud alerts the Spiders to a new presence behind them. They turn to see Miguel hunched in a dramatic pose before rising and walking over to them.

Miguel O'Hara: Y/n. Nice work with Tombstone.

Y/n: I can't take all the credit, I couldn't have done it without Jess.

Miguel O'Hara: Yeah, she gave me quite the earful. You ready for another assignment?

Y/n: Sure, what's the op?

Miguel O'Hara: You'll be working with me personally. Apparently there's a particularly nasty misplaced villain over on Earth 19402.

Y/n: Cool, let's go.

Miguel lets out a smirk as the two begin to walk away. Hobie watches them leave, a scheme beginning to form in his mind.

Hobie Brown: Looks like it's on, then.

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