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"It'll be interesting to see how different your first day is to how ours was" Michelle said as we walked through the corridors
"What do you mean?" I asked getting to one of the empty studios, I didn't have anything scheduled until later today which was fine by me.. I could do with a warm up 

"I mean you're here on a scholarship with a bunch of other kids. You'll be sorted this afternoon into what position you'll be in. You could end up up in the high ranks with some of us who had been here since we were practically babies or you could be back in square one" She said before smirking
"I barely know you and I've never seen you dance but something tells me you won't be the underdog for long Riley" She said before the bell rung making her dart off back the way we had already walked 

I'd only been at this school for just shy of an hour and I can already tell it was going to be intense, meeting Michelle only reinforced that 

I stepped into the empty studio finally letting go of the breath I hadn't realised I had been holding this entire time 
Dance has always been that small thing I clung to, the one thing that made this chaotic unfair world a lot better. It's my safe place when things get to much

My parents hate it but they hate it for one reason only 
Dance gave me some new found confidence, confidence that allows me to speak up against them 

Before dance I was a little girl who didn't have a place in this world, but the moment I'm dancing that all changed
Nothing can beat that feeling you get when your body effortless moves a long to the music, or when you manage to land a trick you've been trying for months to crack 

"Let's go" I breathed out looking at my self in the mirror, throwing my hair up messily, I put the rest of my stuff down before heading over to the sound system to try and get passed this whole nervousness, the unknown of this entire place was enough to set me down a spiral. Today is not a day I need that 

"You must be one of our scholarship students"  A voice said breaking my from the routine before I had a chance to finish it

I quickly snapped around to see an older gentleman who I would assume is a teacher stood without about 20 kids my age behind him
"I uh - Yeah" I said trying to calm my breathing a little
"And you only do contemporary?" he asked but I shook my head
"I'm a full ride" I answered confidently
"Interesting" He said before a few murmurs feel amongst the kids he was with 
I could remember a few of them from Michelle's little tour but it didn't take long for me to bounce to the only true familiar face, the small bundle of sunshine 
This was Michelle's class

"If you needed this room, I can go" I said about to grab my things
"Quite the contrary, You won't need to attend your selection lesson today Miss?" He started clocking on he had no idea who I was
"Miller, Riley Miller" I said earning a courteous nod, I looked around the group before my eyes settled on the same four boys from the courtyard, the same tall brunette looking directly at me
"Who has a full time sche-" The teacher started

"I do!" Michelle volunteered making me have to bite back a laugh as she stepped forward
"Alright, Miss Williams. Miss Miller, I expect to see you in our next lesson in 30 minutes" He said making me widen my eyes slightly while Michelle had a smug look on her face as the classed peeled out leaving the two of us along

"Holy shit Riley! I knew you were good but I was not expecting that!" She said practically jumping on me as soon as the door clicked closed causing both of us to laugh, she truly was a bundle of sunshine and a half 


"So what happens now?" I asked as I walked with Michelle to her next lesson which I guess now is also my lesson?
"now you're with the pros" A voice said behind us making me turn around to see the same four boys behind us causing Michelle to roll her eyes

"Still got a big head then Hunter" Michelle said stopping to allow them to catch up to us
"Of course, I've got to just to grab your attention" He smirked throwing his arm over his shoulder 
"So new blood?" Hunter asked throwing his other arm on my shoulder
"Riley, my name is Riley" I reuttered 
"Potato, potato. How did you end up here?" He asked 
"I would assume the same way you all did?" I asked earing chuckles from most of the guys
"Yeah but come on, you aren't from this side of town in the slightest. You scream south side" He said making me narrow my eyes

"Does my home address matter? I'm here for dance not for a geography lesson" I said
"But saying that, I could easily grade higher in both then you with my eyes closed" I said earning a scoff from Hunter while Michelle burst out laughing and the boys stood there speechless 

"Make way boys, Riley's got a bite" Michelle laughed pulling me close locking our arms together leaving the boys behind 

"Oh I knew you and I were going to be good friends Riley" She smiled as we walked into another studio that was full of students, all of them either chatting amongst themselves or stretching 

But all of their attention shifted the moment the boys finally made it into the room. All of their eyes settling on one in particular

To my luck...His eyes were directly on mine, yet again.. 

Shot In The DarkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang