Chapter 21: Last Brother's Death

Começar do início

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Interesting

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(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: " I'm getting started to kill more of you." He said to himself and he take his Ivory and Ebony out right away.

When (Y/N) was start to shooting his pistols out and release some hellfire bullets at these werewolves and begin to burning them all by himself

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When (Y/N) was start to shooting his pistols out and release some hellfire bullets at these werewolves and begin to burning them all by himself.

Those Lycans who charge toward at (Y/N) and they both got shots by (Y/N) with his powerful pistols Ivory with Ebony and begin to shooting at them and some of them were getting burning alive by (Y/N).

Then (Y/N) was grab the chaos blades out from his behind and make him holding his chaos blades and he begin to slashing at these Lycans alive with his Chaos Blades and chain from the weapons.

Then (Y/N) was grab the chaos blades out from his behind and make him holding his chaos blades and he begin to slashing at these Lycans alive with his Chaos Blades and chain from the weapons

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(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Feel my hellfire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out.

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Feel my hellfire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out

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Underworld: Ghost Rider (Selene X Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora