Season 3, Episode 5: The Flayed

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Season 3, Episode 5: The Flayed

Kassandra's POV

After Billy fled, I transformed back to my human form and we rushed back to Mike's house.

We were all exhausted and a little scared, so we stayed the night there

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We were all exhausted and a little scared, so we stayed the night there. Mike brought out sleeping bags and pillows for everyone. Max, Jane and I all took ours to the corner and settled down there. Will, Lucas and Mike lay theirs down in the middle. We were all too tired to talk, so we wordlessly got into our sleeping bags and went to sleep. Jane was the first to fall asleep. Then Mike, swiftly followed by the others.

I, however, could not sleep. Every creak, every door, every sound put me on high alert. It was not until 2 in the morning when I saw Max shift around.

"You okay?" I ask.

I cannot see her in the dark, but I hear her move around to face me. "No."

I reach out and my hand touches hers. I pull her in and hold her in a hug. "It is gonna be okay."

"I know it is. We just need to get it out of him and trap it and find some way to kill it. For good this time." Max takes a deep breath. "Why did it have to be him?"

I rub her back and hold her close. "Why did you not want it to be him? I thought you did not like him?"

Max laughs a little. "Yeah. But he's still my brother. Well, step-brother. And seeing him like that.... Why couldn't it have been anyone else?"

"I do not know, Max." I hold her close and sigh. "I do not know."

I did not realize I had fallen asleep, until I woke up with Max sleeping on me. I open my eyes and see the ceiling. Looking down, I see Max's head on my shoulder and her arm wrapped around me. Part of her body is overlapping on top of mine and her leg is intertwined with mine. She looks so peaceful in her sleep.

I look over and see Jane waking up. She turns and sees Max and I. She smiles before looking around.

"How are you feeling?"

Jane looks back and sighs. "Better. You should wake Max up before the others. I am going to try calling Hopper."

I nod, before looking down at Max. "Max. Wake up time."

Max just grumbles and pulls me closer. I smile at her and lean down. I gently put my hand on her cheek and angle her head up towards mine. "It is time. Wake up time."

She slowly opens her eyes and realizes the position we are in. "Um, what?"

"It is time to wake up. The others will be up soon."

"Oh. Oh!" Max suddenly bursts with energy. She rolls off me and hops up. "I, uhhhhh, I gotta get ready." She quickly retreats to the bathroom.

After everyone is woken up and ready, we try to see what to do next. Since Jane could not reach Hopper, she brings up the idea of looking for him in the Void. We need to let everyone know that the Mind Flayer is back.

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