Season 2, Chapter 7: The Mind Flayer

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Season 2, Chapter 7: The Mind Flayer

"Jane?" I ask.


"I miss our friends." I admit.

"I miss them too." Jane says. "We're going to save them."

The silence of the bus continues.



"Promise me you won't become like Kali." I say. "She was wrong. A lot of anger. Used her powers on us."

"I know." Jane says. "I promise."

"Thank you."

I hug her and close my eyes. Jane wraps an arm around me in a comforting way. We stay like that for a long time.



"Why do you not speak often?" Jane asks.

I open my eyes and look at her.

"I don't know." I say. "I guess, I don't like talking. Dinosaurs don't talk, why should I?"

"But how will I know what you want?" Jane asks. "We always do what I want, never you."

I shrug. "I don't want much. Family, friends, food, home. What else is there?"

In my stomach, I feel weird. Almost like I am forgetting something. Or someone. I think about it and a face pops into my mind. Their pale face covered in little dots and eyes like the sky on a sunny day. All covered by a flash of red hair. A smile and the pretty girl's laugh fills my ears. My body tingles, almost as if the small flappy things Hopper called butterflies were in my stomach.

And then the face is gone, leaving me feeling weirdly empty. I look back to Jane and smile at her. She smiles back and I lean against her, ready for the bus ride to continue.

The bus arrived as close to Hawkins as it goes, so we get off, ready to walk the rest of the way. I take a deep breath in and smell the familiar scents of the forest. I hear the wind in the trees and see the multicoloured leaves hanging on to the trees with all their might. I sigh happily as we step outside, the cool night air comforting to my skin.

Jane and I walk in to the forest and I stretch my body, before changing my form. Thanks to our time with Kali, the shift comes much easier now.

A second later, my triceratops form is out and Jane climbs on

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A second later, my triceratops form is out and Jane climbs on. I let Jane point out where to go and I start walking in that direction. I can feel the excitement of getting back radiating from Jane and mixing with mine.

As we travel through the forest, I cannot help but enjoy all the life of the forest. A raccoon makes its way foraging as squirrels collect their last nuts for the winter. An owl in a tree wakes up and lets out a hoot, before going off to hunt.

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