Vol. 7: Chapter 7.1 - Requests

Start from the beginning

"There's something I wanted to tell you before I leave-- about Nagumo Miyabi."

Nagumo Miyabi was the leader of Class 2-A and the current student council president. We'd only ever interacted twice, and on both times, the two of us never really talked directly with each other. If he's going to be my opponent, then I'd welcome any information about him.

"I appreciate it. Kiryuuin-senpai didn't really tell me anything substantial."

"Kiryuuin? When did she make contact with you?"

"During the sports festival," I replied.

"That was fast. I only told her about you the day before that."

Well, she did seem excited.

"Kiryuuin-senpai said that her goal was to be entertained. I assumed you told her about me because you were confident she wouldn't sabotage you?"

"Right. She isn't the type of person who would do that. Like Nagumo, she'd tried to challenge me before. Of course, nothing really came to fruition due to our grade difference. After that, Kiryuuin left me alone, although she would talk to me from time to time. And it didn't seem like she was trying to fight Nagumo either."

"She got bored of you two real fast."

"That was the ideal outcome for me. I don't have time for her nonsense."

He was Class 3-A's leader and the student council president at the time. Nagumo was already troublesome enough. Kiryuuin joining in would just add to the headache.

"And so? What did you want to tell me about Nagumo?"

"I think now is the time to discuss how the circumstances will change in the near future. I've adhered to this school's traditions because I believe in its system and rules. Nagumo wants to uproot those foundations. Most likely, an unprecedented number of students will be expelled next year."

"Those who don't have the abilities will fall, and those with talent will be forced to play. That's what you said before."

"That's right. And now that Nagumo is in power, it's only a matter of time before he acts on his ideals."

"Isn't it strange that his vision is the exact opposite of yours? As the former student council president, weren't you the one who brought him in?"

"I'm not going to deny that. Nagumo was the only one I believed had potential, but his ideologies differed from mine. I was the one responsible for training him as a successor, but I failed."

"To be honest, his idea doesn't sound that bad. Didn't this school promote the idea of meritocracy?"

"You could say that, but Nagumo's methods are akin to tyranny. While it could force more students to work harder, those who aren't gifted will have no ground to stand on. The main principle of this school that I wholeheartedly adhered to was its goal to nurture its students' abilities no matter who they are. The current system punishes those who have no desire to improve, but Nagumo's new regime won't even give them the chance to do that."

I get what he means. While Nagumo's ideas might sound good if you only care about the results, we're dealing with high school students here. If he alters the system in such a way, pandemonium will soon break out.

Fear and desperation, all for the sake of survival... If Nagumo gets to do what he wants, this school will probably start to resemble that place.

"I can see where you're coming from, but I don't really know what he's capable of."

A class leader and a student council president-- what does that amount to?

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