Chapter 17: Final Ghost Rider V.S Viktor

Start from the beginning

Selene: "(Y/N), why am I here?" She ask (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I think you know why.....come on, let me show you this." He said to her and he was use his blue flames and make her was looking at it and then he want her to touch his hand and make her use her hand grab it and this make her consume the blue angelic flames at him with her and make her was witnesses the whole things and she saw all everything for what she gonna felt the pain and anger...betrayal.

When (Y/N) let go of Selene and make her was gasp out in surprise with her cries and sob also tears little bit and then she was hug (Y/N) tightly and make him put his arms around her waist and he said.

(Y/N): "Shhh, Selene...." He said to her.

Selene: "W-W-Why...w-w-why did he do it...he killed my parent...." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I don't know...but if that bastard is came here and searching the amulet for what he want and he will use it to bring the salvation...and I won't let that happened, Selene." He said to her.

Selene: "What are you going to do?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was lift her chin up and he was kissing her and make the two of them were keep kissing and more kissing and then the two of them were let go each others and make (Y/N) said.

(Y/N): "I'm gonna fight him....I'm gonna punish his sins for what he did to you." He said to her and make her surprise for what she heard it and then (Y/N) was chuckle to her and he told her that he is stronger than him and he will kill him and his followers or soldiers too.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was readying for his weapons and prepare to head out right away and make him was staying here in this Lycan's den and waiting for Viktor and his vampire army soldiers arrive here right away and then (Y/N) got everything for what he need is using his pistol, and shotgun...then (Y/N) crack his neck and make him feeling love it to kill these motherfuckers. After (Y/N) sense there were more footsteps of these soldiers came here right away and then (Y/N) know Viktor who was arrive here right on the time and make him turn his head to look up at the ceiling and he tries to figure it out how many of them...there were 45 of them.

(Y/N): "Hmmm....I'm ready for head out and killing these motherfuckers by myself." He said to himself.

Selene: "(Y/N), are you ready?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah, I am ready." He said to her.

Selene: "Okay....let's kill them." She said.

(Y/N): "Kill all of them." He said to her and the two of them charge out right away.

(A/N: Imagine John Wick as (Y/N) fight these guys as vampires.)

When (Y/N) was slaughtering every 23 of them who were stood on his ways and then (Y/N) was turn his head to look more of them are arrive here right away and this make (Y/N) was chuckle little bit and he take the shotgun out and loading the weapon up and then he was walking forward and begin to walking like badass.

(Y/N): "Come and get some, motherfuckers." He said to himself.

After (Y/N) was begin to killing more of them and make him was slaughtering all everything who were stood on his ways and taste the hellfire burning at those vampire soldiers alive and (Y/N) definitely heard the screaming comes from vampires that they were tries to stopped the pain but it hurts at them more with hellfire killing them. Then (Y/N) was walking and keep walking and he saw more of these vampires are arrive right away and then they both were tries to attack at (Y/N) with their guns and basically (Y/N) killing them like one by one.

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