1. Into the ship

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Sean woke up to a very bright light on his eyes, then another punch to the face, because yeah, he was getting beat up, like every other day.
He usually was able to evade Matt and his two little suck-up friends, this time he didn't get so lucky.

Sean managed to dodge the next punch, letting Matt's fist hit the brick wall, with a nasty sound, Sean used the opportunity to run away, later managing to go into a crowd in a hallway, losing Matt.

After classes finally ended, Sean decided against going home just yet, instead going for another walk through the forest, roaming around without thinking and throwing around sticks and stones.

That was until a couple hours later he realized he was completely lost and the sun was setting, it wasn't a big deal though it happemed pretty often and he was always fine.

After another hour of walking around, he realized that it was a big deal now, the sun was setting, not like he had much of a reason to go back home anyways, his parents weren't home, which was probably for the better.

But as he was hopping over a fallen tree, he noticed a trail of destruction along the floor, with more broken trees and a dirt trail leading somewhere.

Curiosity got the best of Sean and he decided to follow the trail, after only a minute of walking he came upon a very big ship, about a the size of a small plane, but taller.

He walked around it until he saw an opening, already imagining making the inside into a hideout, so he went inside, where he found that everything looked absolutely massive, looking around, he saw that things looked to be about twice the size of what they should be.

He found what looked like a weird gamer chair, which he used to stand up on and look on top of the tables (that looked more like solid rectangles) that were all around, not seeing much, it looked like a mother board, but darker coloured, it felt like glass though.

After getting bored of the weird table, he got off the chair and continued walking around, finding what looked to be living quarters, there were bunk beds on each side of the room, but the beds were more like bean bags with pillows and folded blankets at the bottom, he got on top of one and they were very comfy.

But still, he kept on looking around, finding a closet with black and blue jumpsuits, they were very tall, around 4 meters long, though they were also fairly slender, Sean started wondering what this ship was for, either it was some movie props and he was trespassing, or it was alien stuff.

He looked around, finding a bathroom, without anything that looked like a toilet, just a shower and sink with what looked like pills and a couple brushes, he walked out of the bedroom/living quarters and kept wandering around.

Eventually he went into a small room with a window to the outside, with only two rectangle tables along with their chairs, he got on top of one of chairs.

The lights came up, lighting up the area, then a very high pitch came up, speaking some foreign language he hadn't heard ever.

After a while of the voice periodically speaking, a hologram of the ship came up from one of the tables, showing the ship, along with writing in very dark blue on a bunch of parts of the ship, mainly the places with damage from the fall, though they were everywhere.

After that, the entrence where Sean came through to the room closed off, as very loud whirring started up, along with mettalic banging; these noises continued for only a couple minutes, at which point they stopped.

The hologram popped up again, this time with a lot less of the writings on it, though there were still quite a lot, then, another, different whirring noises came up, along with rumbling in the ship, then the ship started moving even more before Sean felt a massive weight on himself for a few seconds, almost vomiting and falling to the floor.

He looked at the window, trying to get himself together after that experience, only to notice that, Earth was moving away, along with the sun, other planets.

He was in space now

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now