The peace

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This chapter is going to be more sorter then the others is because was having a hard time writing it but I have got it done and I hope you will enjoy this chapter

Narrator POV
Everyone is waiting for Luna and Xavier to get back. They finally return with food and she walks upstairs toward where her kids are and she opens the door and sees Nalda sitting in the chair in the corner watching them. Luna walks over to her and asks how they are. They were good but they missed you L. Thanks for letting me know and thanks for watching them. I really appreciate it. Anytime you need me L, I am here.

Luna walks towards the kids. She hugs them and she gets the best reaction from them. She tells them she will be right back. She came back in her pajamas and laid down in the middle of them and questioned them how they were. They replied back with good and we miss you.

2 weeks later

Luna has been spending time with everyone in the house and she mostly with the kids or Xavier. She has been thinking about her daughter knowing her birthday is coming up. She wishes she could spend time together but she can't.

Luna goes downstairs to see what everyone is doing.  She went and sat next to Lorenzo. "Why are you sitting next to me, sister," Lorenzo whispered to Luna . " Well brother I just wanted to sit next to you," Luna whispered back to Lorenzo.

"Luna, do you want to play a game with us," Santiago asked Luna. "Sure, what is the game about," Luna asked. " Spill the Tea and most likely to. There are two containers one is to spill the tea and the other is most likely to and the twist is you can't lie," Santiago replied to Luna.

They are halfway through the game and it is getting intense and funny. They are laughing so hard they can't even read the question without laughing. It's Luna's turn to draw out of the container. She reaches for the spilled tea. She looked at the question and couldn't hold it from laughing. "What is the impression of (fill in the blank by someone in the room)" "I pick Antonio. He was someone who give me the impression he didn't care" Luna responded. "Wow Luna that hut" "well it is true brother" "Well Luna my first  impression about you was someone who cold and reckless person" "well that is partly true because I still am cold." "Luna it is very true you are cold and reckless person" Santiago replied to Luna.

________________Author Note________________

I hope you enjoy this chapter?

How have y'all been or holding up ?

Also if you have a New Years Resolution and was it is?
Mine is reading more books. Stay organized, and to keep going out of my comfort zone so I can learn new skills.

Luna Celeste ReeseWhere stories live. Discover now