Prompt #8: Haunted Hospital

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I pick up my cell and will my hands to stop shaking long enough for it to unlock using Face ID. It doesn't work the first time, so I try to compose my features into their usual stoic expression. I manage, just barely, and immediately pull up my favorite contacts to select my girlfriend's number.

I tap the fingers of my free hand impatiently on the desk as I wait for her to pick up. Finally, the line clicks and a chipper voice announces, "This is Rowan Barrow of Barrow Paranormal Investigations. How can I help you?"

"It's me, Ro," I murmur, my voice barely audible.

I lick my dry lips as Rowan giggles. "Oops. Sorry, Gwyn. I didn't even look at the number when I picked up, so I didn't realize it was you. How's my favorite doctor today?"

I open my mouth to reply, but no words come out. I squeeze my eyes shut as I attempt to collect my thoughts.

"Gwyn, are you there?" Rowan asks. "Do we have a bad connection or something?"

"No," I force the response out, though nothing else comes after it.

"Gwyn, are you okay?" Rowan wonders, suddenly serious. "You don't sound right at all."

It's Rowan's concern that finally breaks through my terror. I called for help, after all, and I'm not going to get it if I can't say anything. "I saw something, Ro," I reveal. "In the new wing."

I can hear Rowan bump into her desk as she abruptly stands. "You mean the old wing, Gwyn," she deadpans. "I'm not going to say I told you so, but I knew that refurbishing an old tuberculosis sanitarium and connecting it to the hospital was a bad idea."

"The board said it would save money," I remind her faintly.

"Yeah, yeah. And it would have passed even if you had voted no, so I forgive you, okay? But now I'm worried about you. Are you in your office?"

"Um, yes. Yes, I am."

"I'm coming over. Stay in your office until I get there." She pauses. "Wait. You didn't move offices, right? You're not in the new wing?"

"No, it's the same office."

"Good. Then yes, stay there. I'm coming as fast as I can."

I sigh in relief. I hadn't realized exactly how much I'd been counting on Rowan to handle this for me. "Thank you, Ro."

"I love you, Gwyn. I'm going to take care of this, okay?"

"I know you will. I love you too."

I hang up, set my phone down, and then cross my arms, sitting stiffly as I wait for Rowan. I don't know exactly how much time passes, but I'm still in the same position when she arrives.

"Whoa, babe. You are tense," Robin observes. "Have you been sitting like this since we hung up?"

I nod mutely. Rowan goes to my minifridge and opens the freezer, pulling out the bottle of vodka I keep there for the end of particularly bad days. She brings it back to the desk after grabbing a glass from a nearby cabinet.

"You're done with surgery for the day, right? I know you'd never operate after having a drink."

"I'm done for the day," I confirm. "And I'm not on call tonight."

"Good, because I think you need this." Rowan pours some vodka into the glass, then shrugs and pours a bit more. "Drink up," she orders, handing it to me.

I drink obediently as she puts the vodka back in the freezer, then comes back to the desk. She sits on it facing me. "Now you're going to tell me what you saw and where so I can go find it."

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