Prompt #1: Flat Earth

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I stand at the ship's wheel, peering out at the horizon. We're close. I can feel it. My imagination runs wild as I think of all the treasures we're going to find.

My first mate, Graham, joins me. I wait patiently for him to speak. He's stewing, and when he does that, there's no point in pushing.

Finally, he growls, "This is the worst idea you've ever had, Rowan."

I snort. "No, it's not. What about Bermuda?"

He eyes me skeptically. "Fine," he gives in. "But at least Bermuda was on the ground. This is outlandish."

"You signed up to crew with the most innovative pirate in the Caribbean," I retort. "This will be the most innovative thing I've ever done."

"I signed up for you," he corrects me, pulling me close for a passionate kiss.

He's telling the truth. He showed up on the dock the day I finally realized my dream of acquiring a ship of my own and declared his love, and he's been my first mate ever since.

When he breaks the kiss, I tap his chest with a finger and shake my head at him. "You can't kiss me into forgetting my ambitions, Graham."

He shrugs. "It was worth a shot." He crosses his arms over his chest. "Will you tell me your plan, at least?"


"See, that makes me more suspicious than anything. It makes me think you don't have a plan at all."

"I do, and it's a fantastic one."

"So tell me."

"Don't have to. We're here."

I bark orders at my deckhands, who have all been prepared, feeling a rush of excitement as my goal comes into view.

The edge of the world, where many a ship has gone over and been lost, thanks to careless sailors. Most would consider it out of reach.

"Rowan, please," Graham tries one more time. "This is impossible. It's flat. It just ends, and then there's nothing."

"How do you know?" I wonder. "Have you been there?"

"Generally, I try to avoid death, so no."

"Everything has a bottom, Graham. Those ships end up somewhere, and they're full of loot."

"And how do you propose we get down there without shattering the ship to pieces? Not to mention getting back up."

"Like this," I announce, holding the wheel steady. "Drop anchor!" I holler. "And hold on!"

Graham sucks in a breath and grabs me as we slide over, slowly tilting forward. Once the momentum takes hold, the ship drops faster.

"Rowan!" Graham screams as we lose our footing.

I jump onto the wheel, standing astride it, hooking one boot between the tines, and haul him onto it with me. Everyone else is already tied and hanging on.

Then the ship stops, shuddering as the anchor, embedded in the ocean floor above, holds us steady.

Graham looks back up. "That's not going to hold for long."

"Sure it is. I had it reinforced at the last port," I explain. "And it has a mechanism to pull us back up when we're finished. Now stop complaining and look."

He follows my finger as I point down. There is indeed a graveyard of ships below us. Gold glints in the dim sunlight filtering down from the surface of the earth where it's spilling out of their holds.

"How do we get to it?" Graham asks in awe.

"A very long rope ladder, which is being unfurled right now."

He grins. "I'm sorry I doubted you."

I giggle. "Maybe you won't one day. Come on. Let's go get filthy rich."

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