Chapter 1

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Eddy Linie'beck

Just over one year later 20th of Thraous

    "Martha Ethel, the woman who along with ex-governor Allan Ethel allegedly killed her husband, Matthew Latheil after he had discovered that she was allegedly having an affair with Danny Borind, her son's friend. Martha Ethel's series of trials are about to begin in the Mids District court, while Allan Ethel is being brought to the Nexus District to stand trial before Lord Governor Adam Philip Serkin." The news woman droned on and on talking about the sensational news that the Governor and his sister had committed murder on the television in Rick's small, dark, dusty apartment. He had dozed off while trying to finish all the paperwork on the Mike Ethel case that he needed to get to the station in the morning. It was about a week past the deadline and the Chief was getting impatient. "As part of Martha's sentence, she is required to pay the rest of the money she had agreed to give Detective Rick Arthur Estle." Well, that was good news, he was in desperate need of money. Part of the reason he had been late finishing his paperwork was that he had agreed to try and find a lady's cat for 2 G, that "two-hour case" had turned into a two-day case.

    Rick flexed his hand cracking knuckles before picking up his pencil and finishing his summary of the recordings he had taken during his time investigating. "On a lighter subject Mr. Kite's Circus is coming out of the off season and will be setting up in Mr. Kite's fairgrounds. They will have both new inventive attractions as well as old favorites, which I for one cannot wait to exp-" he shut the television off with the click of a button before bending back over his paperwork.

    As the Guardian's light lit the windows of Rick's apartment with a calm cool yellow, he finished the paperwork with a final period finishing. With a sigh of relief, he slid the papers into a leather bag, poured himself some Seffalon Rum, and attempted to brush out the wrinkles in his clothes with his hands which soon proved fruitless. Moving towards the door, he sees the Guardian's glow begin to darken, a howl splits the air as wind screamed off the ocean, shutters begin to slam and doors not fully closed swing wildly. He looked towards the drawer that contained his and Alice's gold Guardian pendants he then turned and stepped into the hall way.

    He walked slowly; shoulder bowed as he moved down to the exit. He did not bother with grabbing an umbrella, when storms came off the Upper Sea, they came with such a ferocity that nothing you could do short of an airtight rain suit would keep you from getting wet. Stepping outside the normally white sky had turned black and tumultuous as if massive snakes writhed beneath a black sheet, the wind buffeted him to the point that it took every muscle in his body to walk. The streets were desolate, most people were hiding inside because when the Guardian was hidden, the demons were said to be at play. Those that were out were openly carrying pendants with the Guardian's symbol, a circle with two spears piercing it, praying for their lives. Rick received a few quick looks, and some of the people avoided, self-conscious he touched his empty wrist, the place Alice had always worn hers.

    From the shelter of an overhang to another apartment building someone began a slow beat on a bass drum and began singing a child's little rhyme:

Fear not child

The Guardian is here.

Look above!

The Guardian is here.

Do not cry.

The Guardian is here.

We are protected when.

The Guardian is here.

Fear my child!

When the Guardian hides

Escaped in Nexus City: Book 2 of the Detective Estle SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now