3.3: Forced Hesitation

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Kazan, Caleb, and Samuel were casually chatting away about their pasts. So many weird and wacky moments, and so many relatable moments. All three had been manipulated by forces greater than them to do their bidding. Kazan was manipulated by the Entity, Caleb by Henry Bayshore and The Prison Warden, and Samuel by The Horned Serpent/George Washington.  It sucked to be manipulated, and it showed.

Rounds of drinks were served to the three by themselves, and were enjoying their favorites. Time flies by when you are having fun, and for these three, it certainly did fly by very fast. It felt like minutes but in reality it was hours.

They kept on chatting, but by the time they got done, it was night. All three bid farewell to each other, and headed back to their room.

Caleb didn't have the elevator by himself often, and whenever he did, he thought back to his past. He had become a pawn for the very same system that had hurt him when he was not an undead monster effectively. He was effectively 163 years old chronologically, even if he was 42 biologically speaking.

He looked at the Redeemer firm in its holster. The Speargun had been what he had used to harm others. He had accidentally gutted someone using it, earning him the title of Deathslinger. He sighed. Once done, never forgotten.

He headed out of the elevator once it opened and made his way to his room. When he got down in bed and took his leg brace off, he found him staring at the ceiling. Did he deserve to survive this game? Would he eventually be forced to Kill?

Sighing, he closed his eyes, and sleep eventually took him.

Hours later, Caleb awoke to screaming. Kazan’s screaming. He hurriedly put on his leg brace and sprinted to the elevator. Since Caleb didn't want to hurt his bum leg more, he hurriedly sent it to the second floor, hoping against hope that the elevator wouldn't take too long.

The elevator started going up as Caleb wondered what the hell could make Kazan scream like that. Oh god, he must’ve found a corpse, hadn’t he? Caleb continued to impatiently wait for the elevator to arrive, seeing that it was getting close.

Once the elevator doors opened, he sprinted towards where he heard the screaming, praying it was just Kazan getting angry at something dumb like he always did.

But sadly, those hopes were misguided when Caleb shoulder checked the door open. There was a bloody and brutal scene.

He had to witness the bloody and brutal scene of Alisa’s and Rin’s corpses. Rin was hooked on a hook by her shoulder, a cruel parody of what she had done to serve the Entity, with blood dripping from the hook on the floor. Alisa was also dead on the floor, with her intestines pierced by Rin’s Katana.

Caleb grimaced as he heard the dead body announcement. “Well, sh*te.” He muttered under his breath. He reached into his pocket, grabbing that long since neglected tin of chewing tobacco, and placed some in his mouth. He noticed it had a weird bitter taste, but that was most likely because it was a bit past its expiration date.
Caleb had apparently blacked out during the trial, as he came too in in the elevator with Kazan. Kazan explained what had happened. Thanks to what Caleb had deduced, Rin had killed Alisa hence her sudden gibberish message, and in Hakue’s attempts to subdue Rin and bring her to justice, Hakue had accidentally had killed Rin.

Kazan also explained that he doesn't know why Caleb blacked out. Must've been a trauma response, as he seemed perfectly lucid and fine during the trial.

Caleb left the elevator with a sigh. Maybe he should lay off the Whiskey and Chewing tobacco. He made his way to his room, sighing softly to himself. It sucked being in a game like this, where anyone could die. It messed with his head, and it messed with him.

The Mastermind is a bloody fool, they pulled the trigger on themselves.

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