1.4: Lucky Break

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Caleb looked nervously at the portrait of Bellatrix, with a red x in it in the shape of two dueling Splatanas.

"Since you all really know how this type of thing works," Monokuma said. "I'll dispense with the pleasantries and let you guys have fun. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, puhuhu!"

Kazan snarled. "I still think Samuel did it."

"Dude, I already told you her wounds are too big for it to be me!" Samuel complained.

"Who the hell else could it be, then!? I think it's pretty obvious your venom was what put her in the grave!?"


"Don't you guys agree!? It can't be anyone else!" Kazan said.
"There has to be more to this case than we think!" Rosie stated.

"Shut up, I like what the samurai is saying." Akshar said.

"You most likely injected her with your venom last night!" Kazan roared.

Combined Truth Bullet: Akshar's account + Monokuma File #1 ---> You most likely injected her with your venom last night!

"That isn't right!" Caleb said. "The Monokuma file says that she died at 10 last night. Akshar said that he took Samuel to his room at around five. FIVE WHOLE HOURS."

"....ah." Kazan said, realizing the discrepancy there.

"So, what now?" Jackie asked. "We all essentially know that she was killed using Samuel's venom. But how?"

Select a Truth Bullet!

File List
---> Cup of Samuel's venom
Broken Cafeteria sink
Samuel's account

"I think I got it, Jackie." Caleb said. "In the Cafeteria sink, I found a cup of Samuel's venom. It had plastic wrap on top, with two holes on top the size of Samuel's teeth. And it had his venom in it."

"And the killer got it into the victim...how?" Akshar said.

Select a Truth Bullet!

Empty Bottle of Psycho
Samuel's dental records
---> Missing 100 ml syringe

"Kazan said that when he looked in the medicine cabinet, he saw that one of the 100 ml syringes was gone. I think we know how this story ends."

"But was the murder weapon really Samuel's venom?" Franklin posed. "The Monokuma file says toxic chemicals, not venom."

"Hey, dumba*s! It's pretty obvious it was the venom!" Akshar snarled.

"Could venom even be considered a chemical!? It's protein!" Franklin shouted.

"Proteins are chemicals, moron!" Akshar shouted.

"Guys, I'm scared..." Hat Kid muttered.

"Could Bellatrix have killed herself?" The Lamb asked.

"But how did the culprit get the venom!? He wouldn't hurt a fly!" Franklin hollered

Combined Truth Bullet: Samuel's Account + Empty Bottle of Psycho ---> But how did the culprit get the venom!? He wouldn't hurt a fly!

"I can explain!" Samuel shouted amongst the panicked shouting. "Franklin, I have reason to believe that Samuel was drugged. He blacked around 3 drinks in, and woke up with the rest of us to the daytime announcement. Regular alcohol wouldn't do that to him. Psycho, however, would. It's an amphetamine that causes Psychosis. Hence, the black out."

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