I sighed and looked at the time while leaning back on my chair and closing my eyes, completely relaxing myself. It has been 6 months since I've been working in this clinic. I always wanted to become a dietitian. But if I see achieving all my goals still it feels incomplete. I wish I could just get to know- I was lost in my thoughts suddenly I felt a tapped on my shoulders.

Feeling the sudden touch I instantly got started. "Omg you scared me Megan." "What can I do?" "You're zoning out again!" "Perhaps are you thinking about him?" I gulped while looking down and  opening some random files and trying to distract myself. "There you go again." Clearly ignoring her questions. "Why do you always ignore me when I bring up this topic?" She spoke as I looked at her. "Are there any patients next?" She didn't respond to anything after a couple of seconds she got herself a chair and placed the chair beside me.

"As a Physician assistant and also as your best friend I've known you for more than even you know yourself." I sighed hearing her words. "It's been 8 years now. I was just a teenager. And it's common if teens fall for someone easily. Now it's not the same, he moved away to a whole new county."

She was quietly hearing me. As I was about to speak further when both of us heard a knock on the door. "God, how many patients are there?" I spoke frustratedly. She gently patted my back. And walked ahead to open the door as the patient stepped inside while I suppressed a smile.

In the evening, hanging back my car keys on the key holder. I sighed and turned. ecstatically walking towards the couch while laying my exhausted body on it.

I closed my eyes. A sense of relief captures all around me. I embedded myself in this zone. That's when I heard a voice bawling out "Kathy!"

"Get up."

I opened my eyes and saw Kaira folding her arm and a scowling countenance seemed over her face. "I said Get up" She said while holding my arm and shaking a little. "What's wrong with you?" I spoke while getting my hands out of grip and closing my eyes again.

"You forget right?" "Noo I didn't." "I had to go to an important event tonight." "And I have freaking 3 hours for that." I scoffed while opening my eyes and looking at her. "It's an important night."

"And I don't want you to look awful." She stated as my eyes widened at the word "awful" seriously? I spoke as she smiled while showing her adorable dimples to me.

"Come with me."  while holding my hand and gently dragging me to stand up from the couch.

Still holding my hand we were walking upstairs. "What happened?" I spoke having no clue what she is upto? We both reached my room. Her smile got wider while she stepped further towards my wardrobe. "I have a surprise for you." "Close your eyes!" I sighed being all done with her puerile. Following her orders I closed my eyes. After a few seconds I felt her stepping closer towards me. "What is this babyish behaviour kai?" "Open your eyes Kathy."

Hearing her forthwith I opened my eyes. I gasped while scrutinising looking at her holding a mint green satin sleeveless dress. She handed me the dress as I looked at her. Didn't this dress- she cut me off "this dress in your favourite colour the last piece was sold out." "But when it comes to your happiness I can't let it go." She spoke while smiling and showing her gorgeous dimples. "Gosh you're so adorable." Without wasting a second I hugged her tightly while embracing her around my arms. knowing how caring, affectionate, understanding and the most annoying sister I have. I squeezed her more in the hug.

Which tends her to break the hug instantly. "Enough" "Now get ready for the perfect night." She winked as my smile gradually disappeared from my face. "Go freshen up and change." "Then I will start your makeup." She spoke, sounding intriguing. "You know it's not something really huge for me." "Stop whining Kathy." "You're going to a business party and I need to show them my sister is not someone who looks ordinary." "I want you to look your best tonight." "Now go and freshen up." She spoke while forcefully shoving me inside the restroom.

After an hour, "You know you're bad at this." "Ahh shush let me apply mascara properly." She spoke, being a little irritated. And soon she sprayed the fixing spray all over my face. "Definitely you're gonna love this." "Open your eyes." I slowly opened my eyes. As kaira hastily moved from the mirror. A gasp left from my mouth. I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Don't tell me now you can't recognize yourself?" She softly titters. My eyes darted to her while I stood up from the chair and hugged her. "Even though I have no interest in this, you actually look so different." I broke the hug and looked at myself in the mirror. "You were right I do light makeup but this look suits me." I spoke while admiring myself in the mirror.

When suddenly we heard the doorbell ring. Kaira hurriedly walked towards the door before leaving. She said "Wear your heels and come downstairs, it's him." Okay Kathy we can do this! I encouraged myself and got my new pair of heels out of the box which Kiara kept on the table. Swiftly wearing them I walked downstairs. While walking downstairs my eyes landed on Evan. He made his way inside the house. A smile appeared on my face. While looking at his presence. I slowly uttered his name. "Evan"And with that he looked at me. His brown eyes met mine. A smile appeared on his face too.

while I observed him wearing fitted formal clothes, his hair was perfectly styled. Which gave him a whole new look.

I walked towards him. "Let's get done with your business party." I said while looking at Evan. He seemed lost somewhere. I realised his eyes were glancing at me. A chuckle left my mouth, "I look different right?" He just blinked his eyes.

"Look, he is so stunned to even speak." "Kaira, who is this person?" Evan spoke while pointing at me and looking back at her. I narrowed my eyebrows as both of them cackled.

After half an hour, we reached the destination. I observed the whole hall was filled with lots of people in it. Many rich businessmen including ladies too. "Thank goodness I dressed well today." I uttered to myself which could be detectable to Evan.

"Are you nervous?" I just blinked my eyes. While he gave his one arm and indicated to me to hold it. I comfortably wrapped my one hand around his arm. "Kathy, you really do look pretty."

"Obviously you were admiring me throughout the drive." I said in an amusing way which caused him to chuckle and soon after we both made our way inside the hall. Hope so, this night ends as soon as possible.

I hope y'all liked the first chapter. Do comments so I can post the next chapter earlier 🤍

LOST YOU, FOUND HIM (a rediscovered love) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora