Spirit Week pt. 4: Wedgie Wednesday

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Today is wedgie Wednesday, the most dreaded day of the week for me any week, but definitely the most dreaded during spirit week. Wedgie Wednesday, meaning double points today. I ended up taking the bus again today because the chafing is so bad, and I was given squeaky clean wesgies all the way to school. Foe ever 10 squeaky cleans is normally worth one point, but worth 2 points today. But the time the bus pulled in front of the school, they had given me around 500 squeaky cleans, thus scoring them 1000 points. Getting off the bus, I was given a bouncing wedgies all the way to the boys' toilet. Where I was given swirlies until 1st period, and they ended it with ripping my underwear off, pushing me into the middle of the student filled hall, pantsed me, and pushed me down to the ground. I ended up staying there on my hands and knees for a few minutes because I was honestly so exhausted, out of breath, and in pain. As I was there, someone ran by incredibly fast, slapping me really hard on the ass. I yelped so loud.

The final bell to get to first period rung and all the students got to their classes, at this moment is when I finally got up, pulled my pants up and headed to my locker to grab a new pair of underwear. I went and put the new pair on and went to class. In class, I received yet another chair wedgie, but thankfully, that was all that happened to me in class.

For the next four periods, I got just normal wedgies from pass byers, then it was time for P.E. In the locker room is always my least favorite. When I got in, I was instantly pantsed, and the head cheerleader grabbed me by my waistband and began to bounce me up and down while everyone laughed and chanted: WEDGIE WEDGIE WEDGIE and then started to chant: RIP THEM RIP THEM RIP THEM! So then she pushed me to the ground, put my head between her thighs, and pulled HARDER AND HARDER until... SHRRRIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPP! My underwear clean off. It's time for my third pair of the day. After ripping them off, everyone went and got ready for class.

Today is P.E. the gym teacher decided we'd play dodge ball. So teams were picked and suspiciously, and I was picked first by the head cheerleader to be on her team. And this is what happened:

Everyone focused me, threw every ball at me, but here's the twist. I was given an atomic wedgie, and they used my last pair, the ripped pair, to tie my hands behind my back so I couldn't catch a ball or remove the atomic from my head. At the end of the period, I was carried out to my locker, where they pulled out all the pics I had left in there, and they put all the pairs on me. Then, the ENTIRETY of the seniors on the cheer team brought me out to the flagpole and looped the rope through every pair, and strung me up to the top of the flagpole where I hung for the rest of the day and through the night, all the way until the next day. They scored so many points with that one.

My school lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora