Spirit Week pt. 3: Tuesday

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My ass hurt so bad from Monday that it lowkey hurts to walk, and I normally walk to school, but today I decided to take the bus, and boy, was that a bad choice. From the moment I stepped onto that bus to the moment we got to the school, I was in a wedgie. As I walked on the bus , a few 10th grade boys grabbed me and yanked up the back of my underwear with great force. Then, one of them went and opened up a window. That's when the boy who was yanking on my underwear lifted me up by my underwear, and the others began to stuff me out the window. Successfully getting me out the window, they closed the window with half of my underwear still on the inside. So I hung out the window by my underwear the entire way to school, getting hit by and caught onto branches, each interaction making my wedgie worse. The bus ride was a 30-minute ride. When we got to the school, the boys got off the bus and came over to where I was hanging. They began to pull on my legs until my underwear ripped clean off, and I fell face first into a big mud puddle.scoring them 25 points for the hanging wedgie, 5 points for hanging me for 30-minutes, and 25 points for the ripping wedgie.

After they walked away, I picked myself up and made my way inside to my locker to get a new pair of underwear. On my way to my locker, the school mascot ran past me and PANTSED ME. Normally, what would score him 15 points? He scores 30 points because I was commando underneath! Everyone began to laugh. And me dumb and embarrassed, tried to run without think8ng to pull my pants back up before running, so I tripped and faceplate into the ground. Everyone Bagan to laugh harder. Eventually, I got up, pulled my pants back up and made it to my locker, and grabbed a new pair of underwear. I then made my way to the bathroom and put on the new pair. As I stepped out of the stall, i was met with the faces of a few cheerleaders. They pushed me back in the stall and gave me swirlies until the bell for first period. After the swirlies, they gave me a double atomic wedgie and stuffed me in a random person's locker, and I was in that locker until the person who it belongs to came back to their locker for something. I was in the locker until the 5th period. When the person opened their locker, they pulled me out and threw me to the ground and kicked me, HARD, in the pussy, then walked away.

After that, the rest of the day kind of just went by with normal wedgies here and there, and the day ended with me hanging off a branch of one of the large oak trees in the front of the school.

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