Her indignant snort cut me off. She was shaking her head bitterly as if the words coming out of my mouth were poison to her ears. She closed her eyes as if trying to block me out from her world.

"Chels," I tried. She just needed to try and understand, but I couldn't help feeling like I was the one in the wrong here. In attempt to justify my own actions, not only to Chelsea, but also to myself, I kept talking.

"Please, listen, I didn't mean for this to hurt you. I heard you one night talking to Thalia on the phone before we left and I just thought that maybe you only liked him because you felt pressured into having a boyfriend and Declan was just convenient."

"So what? Now you're spying on me?" she screeched throwing down her towel and placing her hands on her hips.

"No, you were just there and I was looking for food. It doesn't matter. That's not the point. I just wanted to tell you before you saw us or something," I tried to recover the mess I had made, but it was becoming seemingly impossible.

"You're a piece of work Sofia, you know that. I can't believe you would do something like this to me. I have been nothing but nice to you."

"These past few days," I added under my breath.

"I cannot believe you. Mum was right, you are just like her."

"Who is her?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Your mother; the home wrecker. You're just like her, ruining people's lives."

"Excuse me?" I demanded outraged. I got that she was upset but bringing up my mother, of all people. "First of all, how dare you speak about her, you didn't know her. And second of all, I think you're exaggerating just a bit, you were never even with Declan," I shot back furious.

"You're infuriating," she shouted gathering her things and storming past me. She stopped just as she pulled the door open. "You're right you know, dad did mean it." The door slammed behind her and I was left alone. Her last words hung over me making the air in the room feel thick and heavy. I was determined not to cry again but I could already feel my throat tightening. I made a beeline for the shower, stripping off my clothes on the way before turning it on and standing under the hot flowing water letting the room steam up. The tears came. I couldn't help it. They were different to last night though. There was no body-racking sobbing, only silent tears that left salty streaks on my face until I decided to wash them away. I stepped out of the shower, attempting to push our argument from my mind. I didn't know how to fix it so I didn't want to think about it. She wasn't with Declan, so I did nothing wrong. I repeated that sentence over and over wishing it could become true. But I knew it wasn't. I was in the wrong and I couldn't make it better. The icing on the cake was her last blow. I tried to convince myself that she didn't mean it, but she may have. I know Dad meant what he said so maybe she did mean it. Maybe it wasn't a lie. Just hearing someone else confirm it broke another piece of my heart. I didn't know how many pieces I had left. I pulled on a fresh pair of bathers and a casual white dress over it. I wiped the last tears from my eyes and grabbed the essentials before leaving the room closing the door behind me. Turning around I was in a daze and wasn't watching where I was going. I bumped into someone. Immediately uttering my apologies I went to leave not even looking only to be stopped by a familiar face.

"Sof!" It was Cameron. He looked relieved to see me and pulled me into a rib-crushing hug. I awkwardly tried to hug him back but I felt so distant from all of them I didn't know what to do. "I'm so sorry I thought bringing that all up last night would help, I didn't know that would all happen." He spoke and finally let go of me.

"It's fine," I shrugged.

"What do you mean it's fine? It's not fine." He looked confused.

"I meant its fine you brought it up," I corrected myself. "It was bound to happen anyway."

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