Chapter 22

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June 1st, 1783, Versailles, France

I sat anxiously in the sitting room, with Virginie sucking on her fingers and staring up at me. I tapped my foot against the rug, and then looked at Gilbert, who was perched next to me. "I wish I could be there", I sighed, biting my lip and glancing at the clock. Six hours had passed.

In the morning, while we were having breakfast, one of Louise's servants frantically knocked on the door, disheveled and wide-eyed, telling us that Louise was in labor. Mother had been staying with her for a few days, but of course, her and the midwives could not do it all on their own. So Clotilde and Rosalie went to her and Louis' house for help, me staying behind because I have an infant with me.

"I know, but Virginie and the children need your guidance, especially since Virginie needs to be nursed." Gilbert took my hand, "she will be alright." I smiled nervously, before glancing at Anastasie and Georges, who were playing on the rug, with Anastasie trying to introduce Georges to the world of dolls, with Georges not being too fond of the activity.

"It's naptime for Polly, don't you think?", Anastasie asked, picking up her baby doll and rocking it in her arms. Georges frowned, firmly poking the dolls wooden head while he let his doll slip from his arms onto the floor. "Don't touch her like that!", Anastasie whined. 

"I wanna play soldiers!", Georges whined back, pointing to his miniature soldiers that were laying beside them. 

"Well, soldiers are boring!", Anastasie protested, keeping her doll away from Georges so he wouldn't poke it anymore, taking the doll he neglected by the hand and placing it next to her, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Papa was a-", Georges began.

"Children", Gilbert and I scolded at the same time. Gilbert kneeled next to them, while I stayed silent. "Georges, Anastasie has been playing soldiers with you all morning. Can't you give dolls a chance?"

Georges became silent, pouting to try to get his way, and Gilbert turned towards Anastasie, "And please, try to ask your brother nicely this time. How about you play something you will both enjoy?"

"Okay, sorry...", they both said, and then they looked at each other, thinking of what to do. "Hide and seek?", Anastasie asked. Georges excitedly agreed. 

"Stay on the first floor, and only in the sitting room, dining room, entry room, and kitchen. Avoid the stove", I told them, knowing that if they had the entire chateau all to themselves, it would take forever to find each other, leading to one of them being in tears. I knew the last statement was predictable, but you never know what children would come up with. After agreeing on the rule, excitedly, Anastasie began to count with her front facing the wall and covering her eyes, while Georges hid in an obvious spot: behind the curtain, with his little shoes slightly visible.

Hearing the door open and then shut, my mother raced into the room, her chest heaving in an out, as if she ran all the way over here. Gilbert and I stood up, awaiting the news, while Georges peeked from the curtain and Anastasie stood on the floor facing her. "Auntie okay?", Georges asked.

"It's a boy", My mother gasped, "they are both swell." Gilbert and I smiled happily, glad to know that Louise and our nephew are alright.


After a few hours to give the couple and the baby privacy, after dinner, we got in the carriage to meet the baby, as my mother said Louise was eager to see me today. Virginie was cradled in my arms, with Georges and Anastasie sitting next to each other, with Gilbert, my mother, and my father sitting across from me, with my sisters in another carriage. I did not dare to look my father in the eye after the event that happened a couple weeks ago. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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