He slowly makes his way towards the stage, but as he does get closer, you see two men behind him carrying a barrel of water. The thought of what is happening takes a minute to get to your brain, but when it does, the feeling of such disgust floods you that you almost puke.

"This, my child, is a demon child, and to make sure this heathen has no precious ties to this world, we will purge it! Now go and fulfil the will of God, my son!"

As he says this, he points at Hans, who is holding the baby. Emilie looks at him with a pleading look and says something; even though you barely hear her, you think she said, "Spare him, please."

Hans heard it too. As his eyes grow wide, he looks between the baby and the priest until his eyes settle on Emilie. No words need to be said.

"I am sorry."

This is what his eyes say, Seeing this, Emilie starts screaming and sobbing profusely He slowly looks at the child and back at Emilie, who is weeping uncontrollably and screaming for them to spare the child. All the while, the priest has a smile on his face.

*What a sick fuck* You think to yourself, but you snap back and look at Hans again. Looking at the baby one last time, his face is flooded with a sudden determination, and with one swift motion, he plunges the baby into the water and holds it down.

There is no struggle.

There is no resistance.

Only light splashing of the feet.

Escaping air bubbles, and then.


The child goes limp.

Hans slowly lifts the baby away and walks away slowly as the crowd envelopes him. The only thing you can hear is Emilie's weeping. The priest turns around to face the devastated Emilie.

"You are now free from any ties to this world and are now to be judged by the Lord!"

Once again, he throws a torch on the twigs, and it instantly catches fire.

Her screams of agony fill the air as she continues to try to break free from her restraints. This time, however, the crowd is silent. Looking over them, you are disgusted to see amusement in their eyes.

When you turn back to the stage, an arm of fire envelops your face in a burning grip, and your eyes are clouded with the fiery red embers. When the flames around you die down and you're allowed to see again, you notice that you're now in a wooden house.

As you scan the room, your attention is drawn to the quiet crying beside you, the source being that of a little girl no older than 6. Her mother holds her closely as a man and a boy stand ready by the door.

The dark room is suddenly filled with a bright light and looking at the source, you see the front door has been opened

Standing in the doorway is a tall figure with wavy hair, but she is floating, which can only mean one thing.

Before the thought renders itself in your head, you snap back to reality with the screaming of a child.

Looking up, you see that the man, presumably the father, lies cut in half with a petrified look on his face, and now the spirit has made its way to the boy and is choking him.

She suddenly lunges her mouth forward and bites into the boy's neck, biting off a chunk of flesh and swallowing it whole. The boy starts gurgling and choking on his blood all the while the spirit looks him in the eyes, and after a while, his eyes roll into the back of his head and he makes no sounds except the droplets of blood hitting the wooden floor.

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